Letters from the President, Woodrow Wilson — to the Secretary of Labor, W.B. Wilson


page 29


January 29, 1918

My dear Mr. Secretary:

Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the Mediation Commission's report, accompanying your letter of January twenty-eighth; and may I not say that I am very much gratified to hear that the controversy between the Packers and their employees is at least in a way to be solved? The delegation who visited me the other day disturbed me very much by their attitude.

If you will be kind enough to have Mr. Creel communicated with and told of the five thousand printed copies of the report which are available for distribution, I will be very much obliged. I find that his committee can time these distributions with relation to other publications, to the advantage of the matter put out.

Cordially and sincerely yours,

Woodrow Wilson