Letters from the President, Woodrow Wilson — to the Secretary of Labor, W.B. Wilson


page 16

June 19, 1916

My dear Mr. Secretary:

I am very much gratified by what you tell me of the prospects of a conference between the representatives of the labor in Mexico and this country, and thank you sincerely for your letter of June seventeenth. You may be sure the crisis with Mexico will be avoided by us if there is any way at all of avoiding it. If it comes, it will come upon their action and initiative, not ours.

I do not know what conference it is between representatives of the United States and Mexico to which Mr. Gompers refers in suggesting that organized labor be represented at it. No such conference, so far as I know, is at present in contemplation, though, of course, events may develop in a way to make it very desirable.

In haste,

Cordially and sincerely yours,

Woodrow Wilson