Note: This historic and controversial report was prepared in 1965 by the Department's Office of Policy Planning and Review. The principal author was Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who later served as a United States Senator from New York.
1. Robert Harris, The Quest for Equality, (Baton Rouge, Lousiana State University Press, 1960), p. 4.
2. William Faulkner, in a speech before the Southern Historical Society in November, 1955, quoted in Mississippi: The Closed Society, by James W. Silver, (New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1964), p. xiii.
3. For a view that present Negro demands go beyond this traditional position see Nathan Glazer, "Negroes and Jews: The Challenge to Pluralism," Commentary, December 1964, pp. 29-34.
4. Bayard Rustin, "From Protest to Politics: The Future of the Civil Rights Movement," Commentary, February 1965, p. 27.
5. Nathan Glazer, op. cit., p. 34.
6. Youth in the Ghetto, Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Inc., New York, 1964, p. xi.
7. Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Beyond the Melting Pot, (MIT Press and Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1963), pp. 290-291.
8. E. Franklin Frazier, Black Bourgeoisie, (New York, Collier Books, 1962).
9. Furnished by Dr. Margaret Bright, in a communication on January 20, 1965.
10. Maurine McKeany, The Absent Father and Public Policy in the Program of Aid to Dependent Children, (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960), p. 3.
11. "Facts, Fallacies and Future: A Study of the Aid to Dependent Children of Cook County, Illinois," (New York, Greenleigh Associates, Inc., 1960), p. 5.
12. Nathan Glazer, "Introduction," Slavery, Stanley M. Elkins, (New York, Grosset and Dunlap, 1963), p. ix.
13. Ibid., pp. xi-xii.
14. Ibid., pp. ix-x.
15. Thomas F. Pettigrew, A Profile of the Negro American, (Princeton, New Jersey, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1964), pp. 13-14.
16. Margaret Mead, Male and Female, (New York, New American Library, 1962), p. 146.
17. Ibid., p. 148.
18. E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro Family in the United States, (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1939), p. 298.
19. Ibid., pp. 340-341.
20. Ibid., p. 487.
21. Edward Wight Bakke, Citizens Without Work, (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1940).
22. Ibid., p. 212.
23. Ibid., p. 224.
24. Economic Report of the President, January 1965, p. 163.
25. Vera C. Perrella and Forrest A. Bogan, "Out of School Youth, February 1963," Special Labor Force Report, No. 46, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor.
26. Youth in the Ghetto, op. cit., p. 185.
27. E. Franklin Frazier, Black Bourgeoisie, (New York, Collier Books, 1962).
28. Robert O. Blood, Jr. and Donald M. Wolfe, Husbands and Wives: The Dynamics of Married Living, (Illinois, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1960), p. 34.
29. Ibid., p. 35.
30. Ibid.
31. Based on a preliminary draft of a report by the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.
32. Whitney Young, To Be Equal, (New York, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1964), p. 25.
33. Ibid., p. 175.
34. Thomas F. Pettigrew, op. cit., p. 16.
35. Deton Brooks, quoted in The New Improved American by Bernard Asbell, (New York, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1965), p. 76.
36. Dorothy Height, in the Report of Consultation of Problems of Negro Women, President's Commission on the Status of Women, April 19, 1963, p. 35.
37. Duncan M. MacIntyre, Public Assistance: Too Much or Too Little? (New York, New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell University, Bulletin 53-1, December 1964), pp. 73-74.
38. Robin M. Williams, Jr., Strangers Next Door, (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964), p. 240.
39. Youth in the Ghetto, op. cit., p. 195.
40. Martin Deutch and Bert Brown, "Social Influences in Negro-White Intelligence Differences," Social Issues, April 1964, p. 27.
41. Ibid., p. 29.
42. Ibid.
43. Ibid., p. 31.
44. Ibid.
45. "Negroes in Apprenticeship, New York State," Monthly Labor Review, September 1960, p. 955.
46. Mary H. Diggs, "Some Problems and Needs of Negro Children as Revealed by Comparative Delinquency and Crime Statistics," Journal of Negro Education, 1950, 19, pp. 290-297.
47. Maude M. Craig and Thelma J. Glick, "Ten Year Experience with the Glueck Social Prediction Table," Journal of Crime and Delinquency, July 1963, p. 256.
48. F.R. Scarpitti, Ellen Murray, S. Dinitz and W.C. Reckless, "The 'Good' Boy in a High Delinquency Area: Four Years Later," American Sociological Review, 1960, 25, pp. 555-558.
49. W. Mischel, "Father-Absence and Delay of Gratification: Cross-Cultural Comparisons," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, 63, 116-124.
50. W. Mischel, "Preference for Delayed Reinforcement and Social Responsibility," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, 62, pp. 1-7.
"Delay of Gratification, Need for Achievement, and Acquiescence in Another Culture," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, 62, pp. 543-552.
51. O.H. Mowrer and A.D. Ullman, "Time as a Determinant in Integrative Learning," Psychological Review, 1945, 52, pp. 61-90.
52. Thomas F. Pettigrew, op. cit., p. 22
53. Erdman Palmore, "Factors Associated with School Dropouts in Juvenile Delinquency Among Lower Class Children," Social Security Bulletin, October 1963, p. 6.
54. Thomas F. Monahan, "Family Status and the Delinquent Child," Social Forces, March 1957, p. 254.
55. Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, September 1963, p. 173.
56. Ibid., p. 174.
57. Donald J. Bogue, Bhaskar D. Misra, and D.P. Dandekar, "A New Estimate of the Negro Population and Negro Vital Rates in the United States, 1930-1960," Demography, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1964, p. 350.
58. Richard A. Cloward and Robert Ontell, "Our Illusions about Training," American Child, January 1965, p. 7.
59. Youth in the Ghetto, op. cit., p. 144.
60. Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, op. cit.
61. E. Franklin Frazier, "Problems and Needs of Negro Children and Youth Resulting from Family Disorganization," Journal of Negro Education, Summer 1960, pp. 276-277.