Books about Secretaries of Labor

Books By And About Labor Secretaries

  1. William B. Wilson
    1. Wrote
      1. Memories, (1916).
    2. About
      1. Babson, Roger W., W. B. Wilson and the Department of Labor, New York, 1919.
      2. Pritchard, Paul W., William B. Wilson: The Evolution of a Central Pennsylvania Mine Union Leader, University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., 1942.
      3. Wilhelm, Clarke L., William B. Wilson: The First Secretary of Labor, Johns Hopkins Univ., Ph.D., 1967.
  2. James J. Davis
    1. Wrote
      1. You and Your Job, with J C Wright; New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall (1930).
      2. Selective Immigration; Scott-Mitchell, St. Paul (1925).
      3. The Iron Puddler: My Life in the Rolling Mills and What Came of It, Indianapolis, 1922.
    2. About
      1. Babson, Roger W., Recent Labor Progress...under James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor, New York, 1924.
      2. Chapple, Joseph M., "Our Jim" [James J. Davis]: A Biography, Boston, 1928.
      3. Dudley, John B., James J. Davis: Secretary of Labor under Three Presidents 1921-1930, Ball State Univ., Ph.D., 1972.
  3. William N. Doak
    1. About
      1. Babson, Roger W., Washington and the Depression, Including the Career of W.N. Doak, New York, 1932.
  4. Frances Perkins
    1. Wrote
      1. The Roosevelt I Knew, New York, 1946.
      2. People at Work, 1934.
    2. About
      1. Anderson, James R., The New Deal Career of Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, 1933-1939, Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., 1968.
      2. Atkinson, Ann J., Finding a Place at the Cabinet Table: Discovering the Rhetorical Disposition of Frances Perkins during the New Deal, Univ. of Massachusetts, Ph.D., 1996.
      3. Breister, Christopher, A Promise to All Generations: Stories & Essays about Social Security and Frances Perkins, 2011.
      4. Colman, Penny, A Woman Unafraid: The Achievements of Frances Perkins, New York, 1993.
      5. Downey, Kirsten, The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor, 2009.
      6. Keller, Emily, Frances Perkins: First Woman Cabinet Member, 2006. **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      7. Lawson, Don, Frances Perkins: First Lady of the Cabinet, 1966.
      8. Martin, George, Madam Secretary: Frances Perkins, Boston, 1976.
      9. Mohr, Lillian H., Frances Perkins: That Woman in FDR's Cabinet!, Croton-on-Hudson, NY, 1979.
      10. Pasachoff, Naomi, Frances Perkins: Champion of the New Deal, New York, 1999.
      11. Puckett, Patty Lou, Yankee Reformer in a Man's World: Frances Perkins as Secretary of Labor, Michigan State Univ., Ph.D., 1978.
      12. Rankin, Mary C., Frances Perkins on Social Security: An Analysis of Rhetorical Themes and Strategies in Four Radio Addresses, American Univ., M.A., 1972.
      13. Severn, Bill, Frances Perkins: A Member of the Cabinet, New York, 1976.
      14. Thompson, Cathy R., The Pre-New Deal Career of Frances Perkins, 1880-1932, Florida Atlantic University, M.A., 1975.
  5. Lewis B. Schwellenbach
  6. Maurice J. Tobin
    1. About
      1. Lapomarda, Vincent A., Maurice Joseph Tobin, 1901-1953: A Political Profile and an Edition of Selected Public Papers, Boston Univ., Ph.D., 1968.
      2. Lapomarda, Vincent A., The Boston Mayor Who Became Truman’s Secretary of Labor, 1995.
  7. Martin P. Durkin
  8. James P. Mitchell
  9. Arthur J. Goldberg
    1. Wrote
      1. Equal Justice: The Warren Era of the Supreme Court, 1972.
      2. AFL-CIO: Labor United, 1956.
    2. About
      1. Lasky, Victor, Arthur J. Goldberg: The Old and the New, 1970.
      2. Moynihan, Daniel P., ed., The Defenses of Freedom: The Public Papers of Arthur J. Goldberg, New York, 1966.
      3. Rubin, Eva R., The Judicial Apprenticeship of Arthur J. Goldberg, 1962-1965, Johns Hopkins Univ., Ph.D., 1967.
      4. Stebenne, David L., Arthur J. Goldberg, New Deal Liberal, Columbia Univ., Ph.D., 1991.
  10. W. Willard Wirtz
    1. Wrote
      1. In the Rear View Mirror, 2008.
      2. Remembering Jane, 2002.
      3. Capon Valley Sampler: Sketches of Appalachia from George Washington to Caudy Davis, 1990.
      4. The Boundless Resource: A Prospectus for an Education-Work Policy, 1975.
  11. George P. Shultz
    1. Wrote
      1. The Nuclear Enterprise: High-Consequence Accidents: How to Enhance Safety and Minimize Risks in Nuclear Weapons and Reactors, coedited with Sidney Drell (2012).
      2. Ideas & Action: Featuring 10 Commandments for Negotiations (2010).
      3. Ending Government Bailouts as We Know Them, coedited with Kenneth E. Scott and John Taylor(2010).
      4. Putting Our House in Order: A Citizen’s Guide to Social Security and Health Care Reform, with John B. Shoven (2008).
      5. Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State (1993).
      6. Economic Policy beyond the Headlines, with Kenneth Dam (1977).
      7. Workers and Wages in the Urban Labor Market, with Albert Rees (1970).
      8. Guidelines, Informal Controls, and the Marketplace, with Robert Aliber (1966).
      9. Strategies for the Displaced Worker: Confronting Economic Change, with Arnold Weber (1966).
      10. Management Organization and the Computer, with Thomas Whisler (eds.) (1960).
      11. Labor Problems: Cases and Readings, with John Coleman (1959).
      12. The Dynamics of a Labor Market, with Charles Myers (1951).
      13. Pressures on Wage Decisions (1951).
      14. Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining, “Case Study No. 10,” with Robert P. Crisara (1951).
      15. Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining, “Case Study No. 7,” with Charles A. Myers (1950).
  12. James D. Hodgson
    1. Wrote
      1. Doing Business with the New Japan: Succeeding in America’s Richest International Market, with Yoshihiro Sano and John L. Graham (2000).
      2. American Senryu (1992).
  13. Peter J. Brennan
  14. John T. Dunlop
    1. Wrote
      1. A Stitch in Time: Lean Retailing and the Transformation of Manufacturing (1999).
      2. Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes (1997).
      3. Fact Finding Report: Commission on the Future of Worker Management Relations (1994).
      4. Industrial Relations Systems (1993).
      5. Management of Labor Unions: Decision Making with Historical Constraints (1989).
      6. Theories of the Labor Movement (1987).
      7. Dispute Resolution: Negotiation and Consensus Building (1984).
      8. Business and Public Policy (1980).
      9. Lessons of Wage and Price Controls: The Food Sector (1979).
      10. Labor in the Twentieth Century (1978).
      11. Industrialism and Industrial Man Reconsidered (1975).
      12. Labor and the American Community (1967).
      13. Labor Productivity (1964).
      14. Unemployment in America (1964).
      15. Automation and Technological Change (1962).
      16. Industrialism and Industrial Man (1962).
      17. Industrial Relations Systems (1958).
      18. Collective Bargaining: Principles and Cases (1950).
      19. The Wage Adjustment Board: Wartime Stabilization in the Building and Construction Industry (1950).
      20. Wage Determination Under Trade Unions (1950).
  15. W. J. Usery, Jr.
  16. Ray Marshall
    1. Wrote
      1. Value Added Immigration: Lessons for the United States from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom (2011).
      2. Immigration for Shared Prosperity: A Framework for Comprehensive Reform (2009).
      3. The Case for Collaborative School Reform (2008).
      4. The Future of Labor Unions: Organized Labor in the 21st Century, with Julius G. Getman (2004).
      5. Back to Shared Prosperity: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America (2000).
      6. Restoring Broadly Shared Prosperity (1997).
      7. Thinking For A Living: Education and the Wealth of Nations, with Marc Tucker (1993).
      8. Labor Economics: Theory, Institutions and Public Policy (1989).
      9. Workforce Policies For The 1990’s (1989).
      10. Population Change and the Future of Texas, with Leon F. Bouvier (1986).
      11. The Role of Unions in the American Economy, with Brian S. Rungeling (1985).
      12. Work & Women in the 1980’s (1983).
      13. Labour Economics: Wages, Employment and Trade Unionism (1980).
      14. Status and Prospects of Small Farmers in the South (1976).
      15. Human Resources Development in Rural Texas (1974).
      16. Rural Workers in Rural Labor Markets (1974).
      17. An Anthology of Labor Economics: Readings and Commentary (1972).
      18. Equal Apprenticeship Opportunities: The Nature of the Issue and the New York Experience (1968).
      19. The Negro and Apprenticeship (1967).
      20. Labor in the South (1967).
      21. The Negro Worker (1967).
      22. The Negro and Organized Labor (1965).
      23. Wage Determination Under Trade Unions (1950).
  17. Raymond J. Donovan
  18. William E. Brock
    1. About
      1. Buhl, William C., Transforming Leadership in a Political Environment: A Case Study of William Brock at the Department of Labor, Univ. of Southern California, D.P.A., 1989.
  19. Ann D. McLaughlin
  20. Elizabeth H. Dole
    1. Wrote
      1. Hearts Touched by Fire: My 500 Most Inspirational Quotations (2004).
      2. The Doles: Unlimited Partners, with Bob Dole (1988).
    2. About
      1. Anderson, Dale, Elizabeth Dole (Women in Politics) (2004). **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      2. Kozar, Richard, Elizabeth Dole (Women of Achievement) (2000). **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      3. Lucas, Eileen, Elizabeth Dole: A Leader in Washington (1999). **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      4. Mulford, Carolyn, Elizabeth Dole: Public Servant (1992). **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      5. Rau, Dana Meachen, Elizabeth Dole: Public Servant and Senator (2008). **CHILDREN’S BOOK**
      6. Wertheimer, Molly M. and Nichola D. Gutgold, Elizabeth Hanford Dole: Speaking from the Heart (2004).
  21. Lynn M. Martin
  22. Robert B. Reich
    1. Wrote
      1. Beyond Outrage: What Has Gone Wrong With Our Economy and Our Democracy and How to Fix It (2012).
      2. Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future (2011).
      3. Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life (2007).
      4. Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America (2004).
      5. I’ll Be Short: Essentials for a Decent Working Society (2002).
      6. The Future of Success (2001).
      7. Locked in the Cabinet, Norwalk, CT, 1997.
      8. The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism (1991).
      9. Public Management in a Democratic Society (1990).
      10. The Power of Public Ideas (1990).
      11. The Resurgent Liberal (and Other Unfashionable Prophecies) (1989).
      12. Tales of a New America (1988).
      13. New Deals (1985).
      14. The Next American Frontier (1983).
      15. Minding America’s Business: The Decline and Rise of America’s Economy, with Ira C. Magaziner (1982).
  23. Alexis M. Herman
  24. Elaine L. Chao
  25. Hilda Solis