- Carroll D. Wright, "Factory Legislation," in Tenth Census of the United States, v. II, p. 41.
- Annual Report, Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor (MBSL), 1870, 213-15; 1871, 470-71; 1873, 281; 1874, 111-154.
- MBSL 1882, 221-24
- MBSL 1875, 142-77; 1874, 155-59
- MBSL 1875, 67-112; 1884, 58-75.
- MBLS 1874, 43-48.
- MBSL 1872, 421-25; 1883, 73-74; 1871, 470-71; 1873, 281.
- Annual Report, Rhode Island Bureau of Industrial Statistics (RIBIS), 1887, 152; 1887, 40
- Annual Report, New York Bureau of Labor Statistics (NYBLS), 1899, 561-65, 588-639.
- NYBLS 1884, 183-89.
- NYBLS 1885, 169-70.
- NYBLS 1895, 20-21.
- NYBLS 1884, 197-99.
- Annual Report, New Jersey Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industry (NJBSLI), 1889; 1890.
- NJBSLI 1894, 81-83; 1895.
- NJBSLI 1891, 175-77; 1892, 350; 1890, 367-70.
- Annual Report, Pennsylvania Bureau of Industrial Statistics (PaBIS), 1891, 19-33.
- Melvin Dubofsky, "Organized Labor and the Immigrant in New York City, 1900-1918," Labor History, Spring 1961, 183-184.
- PaBIS 1893, Part B, 4-5.
- Annual Report, Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics (OhioBLS), 1881, 102-105; 1883, 103.
- OhioBLS 1878, 18; 1886, 11-12.
- OhioBLS 1895, 33; 1893, 853.
- Annual Report, Wisconsin Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics (WisBLIS), 1897-1898, 210.
- WisBLIS 1901-1902, 671-75.
- WisBLIS 1901-1902, 740-41.
- WisBLIS 1901-1902, 707, 710-11, 696-97.
- Ezekiel H. Downey, History of Labor Legislation in Iowa, Iowa City, 1910, 104.
- Annual Report, Minnesota Bureau of Labor Statistics (MinnBLS), 1892, 104, 107-16.
- MBSL 1870, 197; 1875, 177-87; NYBLS 1899, 563; NJBLS 1890, 363-66; MBSL 1890-91, 5-10.
- Annual Report, Connecticut Bureau of Labor Statistics (ConnBLS) 1885, 85-91; Alba Edwards, The Labor Legislation of Connecticut, New York, 1907, 252-53.
- Wright, 41-48.
- Herbert Gutman, "Class, Status and Community Power in Nineteenth Century American Industrial Cities," in his book, Work, Culture, and Society in Industrializing America, New York, 1976.
- John R. Commons et al., History of Labour in the United States, in 4 v., New York, 1946, (Commons, Labour), v. II, 97-98.
- ibid., 393-95.
- John R. Commons and John B. Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation, New York, 1916, 208-24; Sarah S. Whittelsey, Massachusetts Labor Legislation, An Historical and Critical Study, Philadelphia, 1900, 70-71.
- Commons, Labour, I, 331; Commons and Andrews, 305-10.
- Commons and Andrews, 419-21; John R. Commons et al., eds., A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, 10 vols., New York, 1958, (Commons, Doc.Hist.), v. 4, 223-24.
- Jonathan Grossman and Judson MacLaury, "The Creation of the Bureau of Labor Statistics," Monthly Labor Review, February 1975..
- John Mitchell, Organized Labor, Philadelphia, 1903, 144.
- Philip Taft, Organized Labor in American History, New York, 1964, 233-238.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin No.12 (BLS Bul. 12), 563.
- E. Stagg Whitin, Factory Legislation in Maine, New York, 1908, 140-41.
- BLS Bul. 12, 551.
- BLS Bul.12, 552-53; Whittelsey, 21-23.
- Whittelsey, 112-25.
- Edwards, 252-56, 266-70, 313-15; BLS Bul. 12, 556.
- Gutman, 269-89; BLS Bul. 12, 554; NJBLS 1886, 239-41.
- Annual Report, New York Bureau of Factory Inspection (NY Fact. Insp.), 1886, 36-37; 1887, 6-7, 10-13, 42, 45; 1889, 72-73; BLS Bul. 12, 555-556.
- The Factory Inspector (TFI), Jan. 1904; J. Lynn Barnard, Factory Legislation and Administration in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1907, 55-57.
- TFI, Jan. 1904; Barnard, 58-60, 69-80, 111-12.
- TFI, July 1903; BLS Bul. 12, 555.
- BLS Bul. 12, 560; WisBLIS 1888, ix-x; 1898, 199; Gordon M. Haferbecker, Wisconsin Labor Laws, Madison, WI, 1958, 8-10.
- Martin Nemirow, The Origins and Early Enforcement of the 1891 Missouri Factory Inspection Act, unpublished Dept. of Labor monograph, 1976, 3-10, 33-34, 45-48, 72-76, 83; BLS Bul. 12, 560.
- Downey, 2-5.
- Downey, 95-96, 103-106.
- Earl R. Beckner, A History of Labor Legislation in Illinois, Chicago, 1929, 151-166, 227-28, 239, 245-46, 259-64, 506-507; Eugene Staley, History of the Illinois State Federation of Labor, Chicago, 1930, 33-34, 152-53.
- Daniel Nelson, Managers and Workers: Origins of the New Factory System in the United States, 1880-1920, Madison, WI, 1975, 128, 136-37.
- Susan M. Kingsbury, ed., Labor Laws and their Enforcement, New York, 1911, 223-24; Whittelsey, 27-28, 35, 89.
- Edwards, 262-63, 296-99.
- RIBLS 1887, 17; 1888, l06.
- NJBLS 1901, 347-58.
- PaBIS 1887, E-23.
- Barnard, 125.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1888, 6-7.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1888, 6-7; 1887, 40-41.
- NYBLS 1884, 186-87.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1887, 42, 96-97, 117; 1888, 7, 81.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1888, 91.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1887, 41-42; 1889, 69-70.
- NY Fact. Insp. 1887, 32-33, 115.
- WisBLIS 1888-89, vi; 1885-86, 504-505, 522.
- WisBLIS 1885-86, 501-513; 1891-92, 22a; 1897-98, xi-xii; Haferbecker, 18.
- MinnBLS 1892, 35.
- MinnBLS 1892, 33-34.
- MinnBLS 1892, 39.
- Annual Report, Indiana Dept. of Factory Inspection (IFI) 1898, 5, 22, 115-19; 1900, 223-30; TFI, October 1903.
- IFI 1898, 6-8; 1903, 6-7.
- IFI 1897, 42, 45; 1898, 6.
- TFI, July 1903.
- TFI, July 1903.
- OhioBLS 1896, 15.
- Nemirow, 65, 105.
- TFI, Dec. 1902; Annual Convention, International Association of Factory Inspectors, 1888.
- Whitin, 91-92.
- Nemirow, 96-99.
- Leonard Hatch, "The Prevention of Accidents," American Labor Legislation Review, June, 1911, l06.
- Frederick L. Hoffman, "Legal Protection from Injurious Dusts," American Labor Legislation Review, June, 1911, 110-112.
- Kingsbury, 268-69.
- Hatch, 105-l06.
- Barnard, v-vi; Kingsbury, 224; TFI, Jan. 1905.
- Edwards, 296, 309-10.
- Commons and Andrews, 3-4, 327, 297.
- ibid., 349-51.
- ibid., 298-300.
- ibid., 331-38.
- Barnard, 112-13, 125, 165-66.
- Edwards, 259-60.
- Kingsbury, 270.
- Haferbecker, 18-19.
- Report of the Commission to Investigate the Inspection of Factories, Workshops, Mercantile Establishments and Other Buildings, Massachusetts, 1911 (Mass. Report), 11-13.
- Mass. Report, 18-23
- Mass. Report, 28-31, 56.
- Mass. Report, 53-54, 59.
- Mass. Report, 14, 21, 25-26, 56, 58.
- Mass. Report, 14-16, 55, 60.
- Mass. Report, 26, 56-57, 66-67.
- George Price, Hygiene and Public Health, Philadelphia, 1919, 1-2, 4.
- Price, 2-3.
- Price, 7-9.
- John and Irene Andrews, "Scientific Standards in Labor Legislation," American Labor Legislation Review, June, 1911, 123, 130.
- ibid., 124.
- ibid., 126-27.
- Thomas J. Kerr, IV, "New York Factory Investigating Commission and the Progressives," D.S.Sc. Diss., Syracuse University, 1965, 39-53; Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform; from Bryan to F. D. R., New York, 1955, 186-87; Commons and Andrews, 421-22.
- TFI, Oct. 1907.
- TFI, April 1905.
- TFI, July l904, April 1905, July 1903, Jan. 1905, Oct. l904.
- TFI, Oct. 1905.
- TFI, Jan. 1905.
- William B. Hard, "Making Steel and Killing Men," Everybody's Magazine, Nov., 1907; David Brody, Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era, New York, 1969, 156, 158.
- Charles Rumford Walker, Steel: The Diary of a Furnace Worker, Boston, 1932, 87, 132-34.
- ibid., 40-41.
- Brody, 99-101.
- Crystal Eastman, ed., Work Accidents and the Law, New York, 1910, 5-7.
- ibid., 11-15, 119-31.
- ibid.,152
- ibid., 84-85, 103.
- ibid., 86, 93-95.
- Brody, 145, 156.
- Eastman, 245-46; Roy Lubove, "Workmen's Compensation and the Prerogatives of Voluntarism," Labor History, Fall 1967, 254.
- Commons and Andrews, 296; Kerr, 54-55.
- Lubove, 258.
- Commons and Andrews, 262, 384.
- Beckner, 438-39; Mitchell, 147-50; James Weinstein, "Big Business and the Origins of Workmen's Compensation," Labor History, Spring 1967, 159-60, 162-70.
- Weinstein, 162-70; Lubove, 266-67.
- U.S. Dept. of Labor, Growth of Labor Law in the United States, Washington, 1966, (Labor Law), 141; Lubove, 264-65; Beckner, 429-30.
- Commons and Andrews, 352, 430-36, 443-50; Kingsbury, 268-69; Andrews and Andrews, 128-29.
- Andrews and Andrews, 130.
- Labor Law, 183; l9ll Mass Rep, 39; Commons and Andrews, 328-30; Andrews and Andrews, 130-34; Haferbecker, 5-8,19-20.
- Labor Law, 183-84.
- Haferbecker, 10-11, 20-21; Commons and Andrews, 436, 443-50.
- Beyer, 245-46, 260-61; Brody, 166-67.
- John B. Andrews, Administrative Labor Legislation, New York, 1936, 10-11, 21, 24.
- Commons and Andrews, 300, 355; Robert Asher, "Radicalism and Reform: Workmen's Compensation in Minnesota, 1910-1930," Labor History, Winter 1973, 36; Lubove, 278; Nelson, 138-39.
- Angela N. Young, "Interpreting the Dangerous Trades," Ph.D. Diss., Brown University, 1982, 1-20.
- Beckner, 272-73; Report, Illinois Commission on Occupational Diseases, 1911(Ill. Rep.), 13-14, 19; Alice Hamilton, Exploring the Dangerous Trades, Boston, 1943, 121.
- Hamilton, 55, 114-17, 3.
- Beckner, 272-78; Ill. Rep., 13-14; Hamilton, 3, 121.
- Hamilton, 121, 139; Ill. Rep., 273-78.
- Ill. Rep., 24.
- Beckner, 278-82; Ill. Rep., 165-71.
- Hamilton, 127-28.
- Young, 11-12.
- John B. Andrews, "Phosphorus Poisoning in the Match Industry in the United States," BLS Bul. 86.
- Young, 12-13; Andrews, BLS Bul. 86.
- Commons and Andrews, 325-26; Andrews, BLS Bul. 86; Young, 13.
- Young, 1, 10-11.
- Kerr, 1-31; Leon Stein, ed., Out of the Sweatshop: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy, New York, 1977, 188-95.
- Report of the New York Factory Investigating Commission (NY FIC), 1912, v. I, 11-16.
- Frances Perkins, People at Work, New York, 1934, 50.
- George Martin, Madam Secretary, Frances Perkins, Boston, 1976, 104, 88-90.
- NY FIC 1912, II, 5-10.
- NY FIC 1912, I, 21-26; 1913, II, 401-408; Kerr, 79-80.
- NY FIC 1913, II, 459, 462, 467-68.
- NY FIC 1913, II, 464-66, 468.
- NY FIC 1913, II, 467, 475-76.
- NY FIC 1912, I, 18; 1913, IV, 2313-2431.
- Kerr, 88, 94-118, 156-63.
- Kerr, 119-164; NY FIC 1912, I, 20.