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A Familiar Face in a New Role

Tiffany Frances
Tiffany Boiman poses with a cardboard cutout of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins

Congratulations to Tiffany Boiman on her promotion to the role of Women’s Bureau Deputy Director! Tiffany has been serving as Acting Deputy Director since July of 2022. Before that, she served as the Director of the Women’s Bureau’s Office of Policy and Programs. She joined the Bureau in 2014.

October Observances

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In October, we mark National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Every year, millions of people experience domestic violence which, among other challenges, impacts their ability to work and earn a living. The Women’s Bureau is committed to working with other agencies inside and outside the Department of Labor to prevent and address gender-based violence in the world of work, including by recognizing the impact of domestic violence on employment.

Women’s Bureau Director Wendy Chun-Hoon

On October 24, Women’s Bureau Director Wendy Chun-Hoon spoke on a panel of federal agencies at Every Survivor, Every Voice, the 2023 National Conference on Domestic Violence. She discussed how the Women’s Bureau uses our grants, partnerships and research to help workers and employers prevent and address domestic violence by supporting survivor-led strategies.

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

During Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated from September 15 through October 15, we honor the achievements of Hispanic leaders, particularly those who have championed workers. Recently, Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su hosted a panel with Latino/a labor leaders on how the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda can be catalyzed into opportunities for the Latino/a community by centering equity, job quality and worker organizing to create good union jobs.

National Work and Family Month

National Work and Family Month

During National Work & Family Month, we honor working families and continue to strive toward a nation where every individual has the supports they need to thrive both in the workplace and in their family lives – supports that include paid leave, affordable and accessible child and elder care, and more.

Blog Roundup

60 Years Ago, This Report Jump-Started the Gender Equality Agenda

October 11 marked the 60th anniversary of “American Women,” the seminal report from John F. Kennedy’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. To mark the anniversary, we published a blog to tell the story of how the report shaped a policy agenda that would remain influential for decades, its connection to the Women’s Bureau and how we strive to carry on its legacy today.

Upcoming Events

Young Women in Apprenticeship: Starting Early on the Road to High Pay

Young Women in Apprenticeship

On November 16, join the Women’s Bureau for a webinar to mark National Women in Apprenticeship Day. The webinar will focus on creating access to good-paying jobs for youth and young adult women. It will highlight the importance of educating young women on the advantages of apprenticeship, feature programs and training opportunities, discuss recruitment strategies and share information on Department of Labor apprenticeship programs.  
Date: November 16, 2023   
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PT)

Caring For Those Who Care: Labor Rights for Workers in the Care Industry   
In recognition of Home Care and Hospice Month, November, join the Women's Bureau, Wage and Hour Division, and EEOC to learn about rights and protections for workers in the care industry. This event will help workers understand the protections afforded by current law and will also equip employers with information necessary to comply with those requirements.  
Date: November 13, 2023   
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET (7:00 – 9:00 AM PT)

Mid-Atlantic Region Quarterly Stakeholder Forum: Equity & National Apprenticeship Week   
n recognition of National Apprenticeship Week, the Women’s Bureau Mid-Atlantic Region (DC, MD, VA, WV, DE, OH, KY, PA) will highlight programs and resources focused on building equity in apprenticeship during our upcoming Quarterly Forum.   
Date: November 7, 2023   
Time: 12:00 – 1:15 pm ET (4:00 – 4:40 PM ET)

Disability Awareness: Support for Small Business   
Join the Women's Bureau's Western Region, the Office of Disability Employment Policy and the Nevada Women's Business Center for a webinar discussion offering practical strategies for small businesses on the recruitment, hiring, accommodation and retention of disabled women workers.   
Date: November 9, 2023   
Time: Time: 1:00 – 1:30 PM PT (4:00 – 4:40 PM ET)

And don’t forget to bookmark the Women’s Bureau Events page to stay up to date!

In Case You Missed It

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Memorial Dedication

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Memorial Dedication

This month, Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su spoke at the dedication of a new memorial to commemorate the workers – mostly immigrant women and girls – killed in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in New York City. This awful tragedy, which was caused by an employer who locked exit doors, spurred important labor reforms at the state and federal level. As such, it’s important to remember even 111 years later.


Director’s Trip to Switzerland

EPIC Group

Women’s Bureau Director Wendy Chun-Hoon and Chief of Staff Nikkilia Lu traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) annual technical meetings, highlight effective U.S. practices on equal pay and learn from other EPIC members on strategies to combat the gender wage gap. Director Chun Hoon also spoke at an International Labour Organization event celebrating the first International Day of Care and Support, a day to recognize the importance of care workers and care infrastructure.


EEOC guidance on harassment

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is inviting public comments on its proposed Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace by November 1. The updated proposed guidance reflects notable changes in law, the #MeToo movement and emerging issues, such as virtual or online harassment.

Women’s Bureau in the News

We Want to Hear from You!

We Want to Hear from You!

“Occupational segregation” is the gendered sorting of men and women into different types of jobs. It leads to women being overrepresented in certain jobs, which are valued and compensated less than male-dominated jobs.

We’ve heard from many working women about their experiences with gendered job expectations, the challenges they face at work, the support systems that help them thrive and the policy changes that would help them succeed. We'd like to hear from you.

Follow the Women's Bureau on social media @WB_DOL

Follow the Women's Bureau on Twitter: @WB_DOL

The Women’s Bureau has championed the rights of working women and served as a convener of conversations critical to an equitable economy for women for more than 100 years.

Follow us at @WB_DOL to learn more about the latest research, initiatives, policies and updates related to working women and their families.