Career Exploration and Planning Track Logo, CEPT, people shown with various professional attire

The Career Exploration and Planning Track (CEPT) workshop offers a unique opportunity to identify skills, increase awareness of training and credentialing programs, and develop an action plan to achieve career goals.

Service members and spouses who attend the U.S. Department of Labor's two-day CEPT workshop complete a personalized career development assessment of occupational interests, aptitudes, and work values. These assessments will present workshop participants with a variety of tailored job recommendations aligned with their interests and aptitudes.

"I didn't realize there were so many career options in my field of interest! The CEPT class opened doors I didn't even know were out there."

Participants will learn to narrow their career focus by establishing achievable career goals and development strategies. Workshop facilitators will guide participants through a variety of career considerations including labor market projections, education, apprenticeships, certifications, and licensure requirements.

Click below to access the participant guide, or contact your transition office to sign up for the next CEPT class.

CEPT Participant Guide

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