The Solicitor's Division of Mine Safety and Health (MSH) advises the United States Department of Labor's Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) in connection with the development and enforcement of safety and health standards under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, as amended by the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006 (Mine Act). The purpose of the Mine Act is to protect the safety and health of the Nation's miners. The Mine Act requires the Secretary of Labor or his or her representative to conduct periodic, unannounced safety and health inspections of the Nation's mines. The Mine Act also provides significant rights to miners to participate in ensuring safe and healthful mines. The Secretary has authority to compel immediate compliance with the Act and safety and health standards through the use of citations, orders, civil penalties, and other sanctions. Attorneys in the Division work in three practice areas: (1) standards and legal advice, (2) trial litigation, and (3) appellate litigation.


(1) Standards and legal advice

Provided extensive legal advice and drafting assistance in MSHA's rulemakings, such as:

(2) Trial litigation

  • Worked with regional office attorneys in Los Angeles, CA to obtain injunctive relief against a mine operator in order to reinstate a miner fired for exercising rights under the Mine Act (C.R. Meyer and Sons)
  • Won a federal district court case against a mine operator for $2.3 million in delinquent civil penalties (D&C Mining)
  • Worked with regional office attorneys in Dallas, TX in a case before an administrative law judge involving miners locked-out by their employer to exercise their rights to walk around with MSHA inspectors; the administrative law judge ruled in MSHA's favor (Sherwin Alumina v. Sec'y of Labor opinion(link is external))
  • Developed a joint national and regional office task force to litigate the first pattern of violations case before an administrative law judge (Brody Mining)

(3) Appellate litigation

  • Persuaded the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold MSHA's respirable coal mine dust rule ("Lowering Miners' Exposure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust, Including Continuous Personal Dust Monitors") to help reduce "black lung" disease (National Min. Ass'n v. Sec'y of Labor opinion(link is external))
  • Won an interesting case concerning the meaning of the term "fire" in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where the court followed MSHA"s interpretation and did not limit the word "fire" to visible flame only (American Coal v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Comm'n opinion(link is external))
  • Persuaded the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that an MSHA district manager's review of underground coal mine plans should be viewed deferentially (Prairie State Generating v. Sec'y of Labor opinion(link is external))
  • Successfully convinced the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold MSHA's imposition of personal liability on agents of limited liability companies (LLCs) (Sumpter v. Sec'y of Labor opinion(link is external), brief)

What We Do

The Division's attorneys represent the Secretary and MSHA in the courtroom before administrative law judges and in appellate courts. The Division's attorneys also prepare standards and regulations, interpretations, and opinions pertaining to the Mine Act. In addition, the Division's attorneys review potential criminal cases against mine operators and agents for submission to the United States Department of Justice or the United States Attorney and assist in prosecutions as appropriate.

The Division's attorneys:

  • In coordination with MSHA personnel, participate in the rulemaking process by drafting and editing new and revised standards and regulations to assure compliance with the Mine Act and the Administrative Procedure Act, such as MSHA's new rule on respirable coal mine dust to stop the scourge of "black lung" disease.
  • Go to trial in cases that involve policy issues or other issues of nationwide significance before administrative law judges and federal courts, including:
    • Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission's Office of Administrative Law Judges
    • United States Department of Labor's Office of Administrative Law Judges
    • United States District Courts
  • Argue on appeal in cases that arise from MSHA's rulemaking or enforcement actions before appellate courts, including:
    • United States Courts of Appeals
    • Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
  • Review and analyze case files, evaluate evidence, conduct discovery, prepare witnesses, and examine and cross-examine witnesses and present documentary evidence at trial
  • File appellate briefs and present oral arguments in cases on appeal

Division attorneys may be assigned to one practice area (standards and legal advice, trial litigation, or appellate litigation) or may be assigned to multiple practice areas as needed.

DOL Agency Supported

Contact Information

200 Constitution Ave, N.W.
Suite 4428
Washington, DC 20210


Associate Solicitor (Acting)
Thomas A. Paige

Deputy Associate Solicitor
Thomas A. Paige

Counsel for Appellate Litigation

Counsel for Standards and Legal Advice
Brad J. Mantel

Counsel for Trial Litigation

Management and Program Analyst
M. Jeannie Tideman

Published Legal Briefs

Case NameBrief TypeFile Date
Thomas v. CalPortland CompanyAmicus Brief03/30/2022
Secretary of Labor obo Alvaro Saldivar v. Grimes Rock, Inc.Response Brief06/01/2021
Northshore Mining, Inc. v. Sec. of LaborResponse Brief05/01/2021
Secretary of Labor v. Rockwell Mining, LLCResponse Brief04/13/2021
Secretary of Labor v. M-ClassMisc.03/16/2021
Secretary of Labor v. M-ClassReply Brief02/10/2021
KenAmerican Resources v. Secretary of LaborResponse Brief01/20/2021
Secretary of Labor v. M-ClassOpening Brief12/14/2020
Monongalia County Coal Company, et al. v. MSHR, MSHA, Sec'y of LaborBrief09/03/2019
Coeur Alaska, Inc. v. FMSHRCbrief/Memorandum in Support of Motion04/07/2017
Hopkins County Coal, LLC v. Secretary of Laborbrief/Memorandum in Support of Motion11/15/2016
Maxxim Rebuild Co. v. FMSHRCBrief/ Memorandum in Support of Motion10/13/2016
Small Mine Development v. Secretary of Laborresponse brief04/06/2016
Northern Illinois Service Co. v. FMSHIRCResponse brief01/20/2016
Ken American Resources, Inc.brief10/28/2015
Rosebud Mining Co., et al. v. MSHA, etc.Response brief07/10/2015
MSHA v. Hecla Limitedpetition for discretionary review05/28/2015
NMA v. Secretary of Labor [Dust Rule]brief/ memorandum in support of motion10/14/2014
American Coal, Co.brief/ memorandum in support of motion08/11/2014
Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration v. Big Ridgedesignation of petition for discretionary review as opening brief06/16/2014
Sumpter and Hartzell, employed by Oak Grove Resources, LLC. v. Secretary of Labor, MSHA, and Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commissionbrief for respondent, the Secretary of Labor, MSHA03/28/2014
Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration v. Maxxim Rebuild Company, LLC.response03/04/2014
Franks v. Emerald Coal Resources, LP, Hoy v. Emerald Coal Resources, LPamicus02/05/2014
Hopkins County Coal, LLC v. Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administrationresponse01/13/2014
Warior Coal, LLC. v. Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administrationresponse01/03/2014
Black Beauty Coal Company v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the respondent the Secretary of Labor, MSHA10/25/2013
KenAmerican Resources, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor, and Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commissionbrief for the respondent, the Secretary of Labor10/15/2013
Lewis-Goetz & Companybrief/ memorandum in support of motion09/30/2013
Nally & Hamilton Enterprisesbrief in support of motion09/30/2013
Wade Sand and Gravel Co., Inc, v. Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administrationbrief for Secretary of Labor07/12/2013
Cobra Natural Resources, LLC. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission and Secretary of Laborbrief on petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission07/08/2013
Dickenson-Russell Coal Company v. Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administrationbrief for respondent, the Secretary of Labor06/03/2013
Hopkins County Coal, LLC. v. Secretary of Labor and Federal Mine Safety and Health Commissionbrief for respondent, the Secretary of Labor06/03/2013
Shamokin Filler Company, Inc. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for Secretary of Labor05/06/2013
Small Mine Developmentbrief in support of motion04/01/2013
Mach Mining, LLC. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for respondent, the Secretary of Labor03/06/2013
Oak Grove Resources, Llc. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor11/05/2012
Cumberland River Coal Company v. The Federal Mine Safety and Health Commission, The Secretary of Labor, and Howardbrief for respondent11/02/2012
Big Ridge, Inc., Peabody Midwest Mining, Llc., and Bickett v. Federal Mine Safety And Health Review Commision, and Secretary of Laborbrief for respondent10/24/2012
Big Ridge, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor, and Mine Safety And Health Administrationbrief for the Secretary of Labor09/12/2012
Northshore Mining Company v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor08/20/2012
Cordero Mining, LLC. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Labor, on behalf of Clappbrief for the Secretary of Labor05/29/2012
Cumberland Coal Resources LP. v. Federal Mine Safety And Health Review Commision, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor05/24/2012
Black Beauty Coal Company v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor05/14/2012
Jim Walters Resources, Inc. v. Secretary of Laborresponse04/13/2012
Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor, and Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commissionbrief for the Secretary of Labor03/26/2012
Pattison Sand Company, LLC. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor03/06/2012
Ames Construction, Inc. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor01/04/2012
Vulcan Construction Materials, LP. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Labor on behalf of Dunnebrief for respondent, the Secretary of Labor11/22/2011
Revelation Energy, LLC. v. Secretary of Laborresponse10/18/2011
Mainline Rock and Ballast, Inc. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for respondent Secretary of Labor09/14/2011
Tilden Mining Company, LC v. Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administrationresponse08/26/2011
Wolf Run Mining Company v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and Secretary of Laborbrief for the Secretary of Labor05/02/2011
Secretary of Labor, Mine Safety And Health Administration v. Simola, employed by United Taconite, LLC.brief for the Secretary of Labor07/13/2010
Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Co. v. MSHAon petition for review of final standards of the Secretary of Labor12/06/2006
MSHA and United Mine Workers of America v. Wolf Run Mining Company, Inc.on appeal of a preliminary injunction of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia04/25/2006
MSHA v. Jim Walter Resources, Inc.reply02/20/2006
MSHA v. Jim Walter Resources, Inc.brief for the Secretary of Labor01/23/2006
MSHA v. Twentymile Coal Companyon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission, reply11/28/2005
MSHA v. Twentymile Coal Companyon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission10/13/2005
Cumberland Coal v. MSHAon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission05/31/2005
MSHA v. Twentymile Coal Companyon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission, reply02/28/2005
MSHA v. Twentymile Coal Companyon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission, response02/28/2005
MSHA v. Twentymile Coal Companyon petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission01/12/2005
Speed Mining, Inc. v. MSHAbrief for the Secretary of Labor10/15/2004
MSHA v. Calmat Company of Arizonabrief for the Secretary of Labor08/25/2004
MSHA v. Martin County Coal Corp.reply06/15/2004
MSHA v. Martin County Coal Corp.response05/20/2004
MSHA v. Martin County Coal Corp.opening04/16/2004
MSHA v. Cannelton Industries, Inc.on petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission, reply12/19/2003
MSHA v. Cannelton Industries, Inc.on petition for review of a decision of the Federal MSH Review Commission06/10/2001