Letter L-23: Notice of Right-To-Sue Under Title I of the ADA or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Issued Upon Request)
Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested
TO: [Complainant’s Name
and Address]
[__] On behalf of a person whose
identity is confidential
(29 CFR 1601.7(a))
FROM: [OFCCP Office Name
and Address]
OFCCP Representative
Complaint Number:
TO THE COMPLAINANT: This is your NOTICE OF RIGHT-TO-SUE under [Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended] [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended] in reference to the complaint number indicated above. This Notice is issued at your request. If you intend to file a lawsuit against the employer named in your complaint, YOU MUST DO SO WITHIN 90 DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE. OTHERWISE, YOUR RIGHT TO SUE IS LOST. (The time limit for filing suit based on a state claim may be different.)
[Select all that apply]
[__] More than 180 days have elapsed since you filed your complaint.
[__] Less than 180 days have elapsed since you filed your complaint, but it has been determined that OFCCP will be unable to complete its processing within 180 days from the date you filed your complaint. (Note: This reason is not acceptable to federal courts within the District of Columbia.)
[__] With the issuance of this Notice of Right-to-Sue, OFCCP is terminating its processing of your complaint.
[__] OFCCP will continue to investigate the following allegations in your complaint which are uniquely within OFCCP jurisdiction: [list any allegation(s) not subject to ADA or Title VII, which are still under investigation].
An informational copy of this Notice has been sent to the below employer as named in your complaint.
[insert employer’s name and address]
For the United States Department of Labor,
Regional Director or Designee
Enclosures (2): Information Related to Filing Suit under Title VII and the ADA
Copy of Complaint
cc: [insert name of complainant’s attorney]
[insert name of contractor’s attorney]
[insert name of EEOC field office contact]