1C03 Evaluation Period

Investigators must evaluate the contractor’s AAPs and Itemized Listing data for at least the last full AAP year. However, Investigators must carefully examine the Scheduling Letter and Itemized Listing as the evaluation period may be different per item. For example, Investigators must also examine the current year data for employment activity if the contractor is six months or more into its current AAP year. If the contractor cannot or has not yet computed the data for the current AAP year and it has been six months or more, the Investigator must examine the underlying records. Thus, if the contractor establishes its AAPs on a calendar year basis (January – December) and the compliance evaluation is scheduled in August, an Investigator would evaluate the contractor’s data from January through December of the prior year. In addition, the Investigator would examine the data or underlying records at least from January through June of the current year.