Chief Evaluation Office

Alix Gould-Werth

Alix Gould-Werth Chief Evaluation Officer

Prior to her time at the Department of Labor, Dr. Gould-Werth worked at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, Mathematica, and Fountain House. Dr. Gould-Werth is a nationally recognized expert on Unemployment Insurance, Paid Family and Medical Leave, schedule stability, and other issues affecting low-wage U.S. workers and their families. She has published in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Monthly Labor Review, Social Service Review, and Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Her expertise has been cited in outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. She holds a B.A. in History and Sociology/Anthropology from Swarthmore College, M.S.W. from the University of Michigan, and Ph.D. in Social Work and Sociology, also from the University of Michigan.

Staff Bios

Lauren Damme

Lauren Damme Director of Research, Protection & Enforcement Programs; Currently on Detail with DOL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy

C.J. Krizan

C.J. Krizan Director of Data Analytics

Savi Swick

Savi Swick Director of Research, Employment & Training Programs

Suchitra Akmanchi

Suchitra (Suchi) Akmanchi Economist

Leonardo Antenangeli

Leonardo Antenangeli Statistician

Kuang-chi Chang

Kuang-chi (Kacie) Chang Senior Evaluation Specialist; Acting Director of Research, Protection & Enforcement

Marie-Ellen Ehounou

Marie-Ellen Ehounou Senior Evaluation Specialist

Bradley Hannon

Bradley Hannon Evaluation Operations Specialist

Janet Javar

Janet Javar Senior Evaluation Specialist

Austin Knipper

Austin M. Knipper Economist

Megan Lizik

Megan E. Lizik Senior Evaluation Specialist

Tara Martin

Tara Martin Evaluation Specialist

Evan Murphy

Evan Murphy Evaluation Specialist

Jesse Park

Jessie Park Economist

Sarada Pyda

Sarada Pyda Economist

Omara Reach-Turner

Omara Reach-Turner Evaluation Operations Specialist

Raymond Tang

Raymond Tang Economist