Example in Action:  Puma’s Intervention to Reinstate Union Workers

  • From August 2022 to February 2023, management at Bright Flushing and Eastcrown, two factories in Cambodia that produce clothing for Puma, fired at least 12 workers for trying to form unions. 
  • On the day of the unionization vote, unknown individuals photographed the participating workers. The Bright Flushing factory fired two elected union leaders and pressured 10 other workers to withdraw from the union. Per the 2016 Cambodian Trade Union law, when an elected union leader resigns, the union must hold new elections. The management at Bright Flushing took advantage of this law to undermine the formation of the union.  
  • Puma engaged with the management of both factories and facilitated mediation meetings between workers and management. Puma coordinated their actions with other brands and Better Factory Cambodia to improve social dialogue between management and workers representatives. 
  • Eleven of the workers were reinstated and compensated following Puma’s intervention with factory management. However, reinstated workers continued to face retaliation for unionizing. Puma issued a statement confirming workers’ rights to freedom of association and continues to facilitate mediation. This example demonstrates how efforts to implement genuine worker voice require continued efforts on the part of the brands and suppliers.  
  • Source: https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/cambodia-garment-workers-accuse-vf-corporation-puma-suppliers-of-union-busting-after-12-workers-dismissed-following-union-activities/ and https://media.business-humanrights.org/media/documents/2024_FoA_report.pdf

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