TAA Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS)

TAA Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS) (OMB 1205-0540, Form ETA-9189) provides quantitative data on state administration and practice in operating the TAA Program.  The collection is transmitted to states at the beginning of October of each year and due to be returned in Excel format to OTAA on November 30th of that year.  Data is collected across seven subject areas of state practice: state organization and staffing, outreach, benefits and services, integration with other workforce programs, IT systems and reporting, training for state TAA staff, and barriers and technical assistance needs. Additionally, the collection gathers information on worker list numbers and notification numbers.  Some of the data is publicly released at: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/tradeact/data/administration

The TAAACS was originally implemented in FY 2020 and provided some initial insights into staffing, outreach, and program integration (webinar), but was subsequently modified in FY 2021 to improve the analytical utility of the questions asked, remove questions that demonstrated low value, and collect data on worker outreach.  The modified collection allowed for further observations on barriers, outreach policies, petition-level outreach analysis, and their correlates (webinar).

The collection is repeated annually to capture new petition data as well as shifts in state policy, staffing, and perceptions of barriers.  With each annual collection, state workforce agencies (SWAs) are encouraged to refer to current technical assistance resources:

  • TAAACS: Filling out the 2021 Version: This webinar was recorded on 10/14/2021 and discusses the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS)’s current 2021 version as well as discuss the goals of the collection, its organization, and answer common questions about filling it out.
  • TAAACS Frequently Asked Questions: This document provides answers to common questions on how to complete the TAAACS collection.  It is periodically updated to address newly received questions and new program conditions that impact responses.  The FAQ sheet was last updated on 10/24/2023.
  • Annual TAAACS Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions: OTAA conducts two AMAs for states to ask questions regarding the collection typically in late October and late November prior to the November 30th deadline.  For schedules and invitations, contact the appropriate regional TAA staff.
  • Contact OTAA at taa.reports@dol.gov: SWAs are highly encouraged to email OTAA whenever there are questions about how to complete the TAAACS.  The dialogue and clarification help to ensure that appropriate information is collected, and it is robust enough for analysis.