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351 to 360 of 579 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-09
DescriptionThis report establishes that performance monitoring data may be used for program evaluation purposes, such as with process and net impact evaluation.   Evidence supporting this assertion is gathered from the administrative data of the State of Washington that examines services provided to adults under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).   The report describes various empirical estimation …
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-08
DescriptionThis paper considers the pros and cons of using randomized trials to improve the effectiveness of workforce policies.   A randomized trial offers researchers a convincing benchmark for measuring program effectiveness.   An experiment allows us to answer a question that is usually unanswerable in nonexperimental studies: How would people enrolled in the tested program have fared if that had not …
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-07
DescriptionThis report examines the provision of workforce development services in rural areas and the challenges rural One-Stop systems face in providing those services.   Key research questions included understanding: rural One-Stop service networks of access points and their challenges, other means of providing workforce development services to rural residents, rural One-Stop partnerships and the role of …
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-06
DescriptionThis paper reports on the net impacts, or "value added," of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services on employment, earnings, and other outcomes of interest using administrative data from seven states including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Texas and Washington.   A quasi-experimental approach was used to estimate the net impacts of participation in WIA.   The treatment group is …
PopulationAdult, Dislocated Workers
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-04
DescriptionThis report traces historical developments in two major DOL programs: State Unemployment Insurance (UI) and the federal-state Employment Service (ES). Developments in the UI program are traced from the late 1940s while ES program activities are traced from the late 1960s. For both programs, the report emphasizes long term trends as well as changes that have occurred over the course of the …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2005-01
DescriptionThis report concludes a two-year study of workforce service delivery in eight states, sixteen local areas, and more than thirty local One-Stop Career Centers operating under the auspices of the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 (Public Law 105-220). The purpose of this study is to provide useful information for both national policymakers in the Executive Branch and Congress for WIA …
Release Date:
Issue: 2004-08
DescriptionThe proposed Back to Work Incentive Act of 2003 recommended personal reemployment accounts (PRA) that would provide each eligible UI (unemployment insurance) claimant with a special account of up to $3,000 to finance reemployment activities. Account funds could be used to purchase intensive, supportive, and job training services. Any funds remaining in the PRA could be paid as a cash bonus for …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2004-07
DescriptionThis report is the second in a series of three impact reports of a youth mentoring/drop-out prevention program demonstration for youth at risk of entering the workforce without the technical and work-readiness skills that are demanded by the business community of their entry-level employees. The primary goals of the demonstration were to increase the high school graduation rate and the rate at …
Release Date:
Issue: 2004-11
DescriptionThe Center for Employment Security Education and Research, a component of the National Association of State Workforce Agencies with the assistance of Booz Allen Hamilton and Decern Consulting, conducted research of how states are using the $8 billion special Reed Act Distribution of 2002.   The study was conducted from the fall of 2002 through winter of 2004.   The purpose of the study was to …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2004-10
DescriptionThe Youth Offender Demonstration Project provided assistance to youth at-risk of court or gang involvement, youth offenders, and gang members between the ages of 14 and 24 to find long-term employment at wage levels that would prevent future dependency and would break the cycle of crime and juvenile delinquency.   The objective of the demonstration was to identify effective community strategies …