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501 to 510 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 1993
DescriptionThis report compiles six articles that give education and training practitioners practical suggestions for applying SCANS in classroom and workplace. "SCANS in the Schools" helps educators incorporating SCANS competencies into curricula and instruction; it identifies issues likely to arise and exemplifies incorporation of specific competencies. "Implementing SCANS: First Lessons" highlights 10 …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-7
DescriptionThis publication completes a major research effort conducted over the past eight years to determine the effectiveness of providing incentives to unemployed workers to speed their return to work. This effort represent a portion of a larger research program conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor to determine effective methods of providing reemployment assistance and/or incentives to unemployed …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-6
DescriptionThe principal objective of unemployment insurance (UI) is to reduce hardship by providing labor force members with partial wage replacement during periods of involuntary unemployment. In performing this income maintenance function, UI has the potential of prolonging spells of unemployment. Indeed, leading economists began publishing research findings in the 1970s strongly suggesting that UI tends …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-5
DescriptionThis publication contains a compilation of papers delivered at the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Expert System Colloquim. The indisputable progression of UI expert systems research is characteristic of the Federal-State partnership. Experiments conducted by State employment security agencies and funded by the U.S. Department of Labor have conclusively demonstrated the manifold uses of expert …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-4
DescriptionThe purpose of this analysis is to provide State agencies and others with an understanding of what coordination and linkage programs the individual States have implemented, what are the components of such systems, and how these components fit together as a system. … … U.S. Department of …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-3
DescriptionThis report on employer layoff and recall practices is part of a continuing effort by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to explore the needs of dislocated workers, i.e., those who have been laid off from their jobs. It attempts to answer the questions, ?When workers are laid off, how many more are recalled, and, of those recalled, how many choose to return to the employer that laid …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-2
DescriptionThis paper brings together four papers dealing with self-employment for the unemployed. The first chapter presents an overview of microenterprise as an employment option; a review of the Western European experience with self-employment programs for the unemployed; the two U.S. self-employment demonstration projects; and policy analysis of this issue as a policy option in the United States. This …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992-1
DescriptionThe Unemployment Insurance (UI) program provides short-term income support to involuntarily unemployed individuals while they seek work. Historically, the UI program has used administrative work-search requirements and employment-service referrals to the Job Service (JS) to promote rapid reemployment. In recent years, however, considerable policy interest has been expressed in providing …
Release Date:
Issue: 1992
DescriptionThis comprehensive literacy assessment --- dealing with prose, document. and quantitative tasks --- provides results that profile a national sample of nearly 20 million participants in the U.S. Department of Labor programs that target people who are unemployed and seeking work or those in search of better jobs. The programs comprise by far the largest component of Labor's Employment and Training …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 1992
DescriptionThe Private Industry Council (PIC) is the cornerstone of the service delivery system under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). In partnership with the local elected official (LEO), the PIC is responsible for developing the local job training plan that describes planned services, procedures for identifying and recruiting participants, performance goals, budgets, and methods for selecting …