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Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionThis publication summarizes the evaluation factors which contributed to or impeded the effectiveness of community development corporations in expanding employment opportunities for dislocated workers, through entrepreneurial training and linkages to other economic development activities. … Illinois … Michigan … Georgia … Mississippi … New York … David Drury … Stephen Walsh … Marlene Strong … …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionThis report presents the results to date of the Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration Program (JTHDP) and assesses its implications for providing effective employment and training services for homeless persons in the United States. As specified in the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, the evaluation of the demonstration presents data and includes an assessment of: - The number of …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionThis report concludes the evaluation of the Economic Dislocation and Workers Adjustment Assistance (EDWAA) Act Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration. The Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration was authorized by the U.S. Congress under Section 324 of EDWAA in 1988, and was initiated by the Department of Labor on July 1, 1990, with grants to four states. These grants provided for employment and training …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionEvaluation Forum is a national journal for program professionals in related human service fields; basic education, vocational education, employment and training, welfare, labor market and labor force change, and economic development. The purpose of the journal is to stimulate interest in policy analysis, policy research and program evaluation as useful tools for policy making, planning and the …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionFarms and ranches in the United States face continuing economic pressures, and each year thousands of farm operators, adult family members, and employees are forced to look for employment elsewhere. Although many farmers need assistance in making the transition to new careers, as a group these workers have not been widely served by employment and training programs. A few states and local areas …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionBerkeley Planning Associates (BPA) and Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) are conducting an ongoing Evaluation of the Defense Conversion Adjustment (DCA) Demonstration. This Interim Report includes information from initial site visits conducted during late 1993 and early 1994 to the twelve Round 1 demonstration grantees, whose initial 18-month grants ran from January 1993 through June 1994. …
Release Date:
Issue: 1994
DescriptionThis report summarizes the results of a study that investigated the JTPA Title IV, Section 402 program for migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs). The program, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through 53 grants, assists farmworkers in obtaining or retaining upgraded agricultural or non-agricultural employment, and provides services to farmworkers and their families that will …
Release Date:
Issue: 1993-2
DescriptionAt its 23rd meeting held in Vienna in September 1989, the General Assembly of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) decided to include a study on ?New Forms of Activity for the Unemployed and Measures to Assist the Creation of Self-Employment: Experiences and Opportunities in Combating Unemployment? in the program of activities of the Permanent Committee on Unemployment Insurance …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyLiterature Review
Release Date:
Issue: 1993-1
DescriptionThe Unemployment Insurance (UI) system finances benefits to unemployed workers by taxing employer payroll in all states and employee earnings in a few states. Benefit payments to unemployed workers reduce their costs of unemployment, and these UI incentives on employment, unemployment and reemployment have been analyzed extensively. The UI financing mechanism also affects firm hire and layoff …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 1993
DescriptionThis publication summarizes reports that the Perkins Act (as amended in 1990) requires states to submit biannually to the U.S. Department of Education (with copies to the Labor Department) on state Voced/JTPA coordination. The reports are from 41 jurisdictions and cover the period October 1990 through September 1992. Findings reflect that the restructuring of the U.S. economy for high skills and …