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561 to 570 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 1981-1
DescriptionThe UI Research Exchange is being published by the Unemployment Insurance Service to increase the effectiveness of research throughout the UI program. Toward this goal, the Exchange provides a means of communication among researchers and between researchers and policymakers. The Exchange is designed to be an open forum for all UI researchers. … … U.S. Department of …
Release Date:
Issue: 1980-4
DescriptionThis is the fourth in a series of reports base don the Arizona Benefit Adequacy (ABA) Study. The first report emphasized the measurement of benefit adequacy under the prevailing and selected alternative weekly benefit amount formulas. The second investigation focuses on the adjustments undertaken by beneficiary households during periods of thirteen and twenty five consecutive weeks of compensated …
Release Date:
Issue: 1980-3
DescriptionPrevious studies of unemployment insurance have obtained estimates for reduced form model consisting of two equations: the duration equation and the post unemployment earnings equation. These equations do not, however, allow us to estimate the effects of unemployment insurance accurately. The observed wage distribution is a truncated distribution-it is the wage offer distribution truncated by …
Release Date:
Issue: 1980-1
DescriptionThis paper discusses the conceptual and operational issues involved in the proliferation of income protection programs for experienced workers, to the extent mainly that they are related UI program. First, the rationale for income protection to be provided to workers who are adversely affected by government actions or by disasters is examined. From this emerges the concept of loss compensation to …
Release Date:
Issue: 1979-5
DescriptionThis paper discusses the role of unemployment insurance in society?s overall effort to provide people with income security. The unique goal of unemployment insurance is indicated as distinct form that of welfare programs. The course of unemployment is traced with respect to beneficiaries? prospects for reemployment and their concomitant standard of living. The consequent transformation of the UI …
Release Date:
Issue: 1979-4
DescriptionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate current and alternative methods of determining exhaustion ratios under the regular unemployment insurance (UI) program and to try to develop methods for determining these ratios for the extended and emergency benefit programs. … Carolyn Sperber … Carolyn Sperber … U.S. Department of …
Release Date:
Issue: 1979-3
DescriptionThis is the third in a series of reports based on the Arizona Benefit Adequacy Study. The first two reports focused on measurement of the differing degrees of benefit adequacy achieved under the prevailing and certain hypothetical benefit formulas, and on the types of magnitudes of adjustments undertaken by the insured unemployed during their compensated spells of unemployment. In this report the …
Release Date:
Issue: 1979-2
DescriptionThis study was conducted over an extreme recessionary period for Arizona?s economy. The high unemployment rate caused a severe drain on the state?s UI trust fund. In the Tuscon SMSA nearly $26 million (in 1975 dollars) in regular states UI benefits were paid out during the period 1975-76, while only a little over $11 million was collected in UI tax contributions from local employers during this …
Release Date:
Issue: 1979-1
DescriptionIn this report, the impact on benefit claimants of the disqualification provisions of five states: Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, and New York, was examined. The authors used random samples of UI claimants who were never disqualified during a given spell of unemployment (the disqualified) to determine: (1) other demographic and economic characteristics, (2) the effects of disqualification …
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-8
DescriptionThis publication highlights some of the techniques for evaluating benefit adequacy with household data. Selection of the adequacy standard to be tested is, of course, a critical factor. A variety of standards should be developed and tested. Also, various means of evaluating the results of these tests require development. It should be clear, however, that household data can provide a valuable …