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401 to 410 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionHigh youth unemployment and weak systems of career preparation are continuing concerns for modern societies. Over the last two decades, youth unemployment has become less of a priority issue in the United States, as policymakers increasingly focus on the quality of education and training. Other members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are continuing to emphasize …
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionWIA was enacted in response to a variety of concerns about how employment and training programs were designed and operated. Among these concerns, it was noted that a multitude of employment and training programs¿including those operating under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Vocational Education, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act, the Job Service, and a …
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionPrior to the implementation of the Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services (WPRS) program, USDOL sponsored a demonstration to test different program models that are consistent with the regulations governing WPRS. In 1995, the Job Search Assistance (JSA) Demonstration was implemented in the District of Columbia and in selected counties in Florida. Because the demonstration was based on the …
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionThe Job Corps program has long been a central part of federal efforts to provide training for disadvantaged youths. Because of the high costs of the program's intensive services, which are provided mainly in a residential setting, policymakers need to know just how effective Job Corps actually is. This report presents the findings of the National Job Corps Study on impacts of the program on …
ProgramJob Corps
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionIn a series of appendixes, this report discusses methodological issues related to the 48-month impact analysis for the National Job Corps Study. The appendixes are intended to complement the 48-month impact report (Schochet et al. 2001), which presents impacts of Job Corps on key participant outcomes during the 48 months after random assignment. This report contains the following five appendixes: …
ProgramJob Corps
Release Date:
Issue: 2001
DescriptionJob Corps is a major part of federal efforts to provide education and job training to disadvantaged youths. It provides comprehensive services--basic education, vocational skills training, health care and education, counseling, and residential support. More than 60,000 new students ages 16 to 24 enroll in Job Corps each year, at a cost to the federal government of more than $1 billion per year. …
ProgramJob Corps
Release Date:
Issue: 2000-06
DescriptionThis report describes the analyses of the effects of direct placement services provided by public labor exchanges (PLXs) to job seekers in the states of Washington and Oregon from 1987 to 1998. A nationwide system of state-Federal PLXs was created following passage of the Wagner-Peyser Act in 1933. The goal was to determine their value and develop procedures that the U.S. Department of Labor …
Release Date:
Issue: 2000-05
DescriptionAs the economy continues to change, workers seeking a more flexible work environment and some who were displaced by corporate downsizing have become independent contractors. Also, the changing nature of employment and the increased use of those in the alternative workforce by businesses, including independent contractors (ICs), has attracted the attention of policymakers, because the prevailing …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2000-04
DescriptionThe Office of Workforce Security Research Exchange is published by the Office of Workforce Security, Division of Research and Reporting. The Exchange provides a means of communication between researchers, both inside and outside government, and policymakers. … L. Shaw … U.S. Department of …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2000-03
DescriptionThis study, sponsored by the United States Department of Labor (DOL), examines the effects of the conversion to remote claims filing on claims, claimants, and program operations. By examining data from a variety of sources, we find that the effects of TIC filing on the number of initial claims vary across states. Of seven states studied, one shows a clear increase in the number of claims, one a …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance