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311 to 320 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2008-03
DescriptionIn November 2005, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced the Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) Initiative.  The Initiative is intended to support and catalyze the integration of talent and skills development into a region’s larger economic strategies.  It supports innovative approaches to education and workforce development that go beyond traditional strategies …
Release Date:
Issue: 2008-02
DescriptionBackground The U.S. Department of Labor’s (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) established the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative in 2005. The goals of the REA Initiative were to enhance the rapid reemployment of unemployed workers, eliminate potential overpayments, and realize cost savings for the Unemployment Insurance (UI) trust fund. Publication …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2008-01
DescriptionWith the aging of the baby boom population, the United States is facing an unprecedented demographic change. As the number of people reaching traditional retirement age increases, the shrinking labor pool threatens American economic growth, living standards, Social Security and Medicare financing, and funding for other government programs. The report, conducted by the Urban Institute, was …
ProgramSenior Community Service Employment (SCSEP)
Research MethodologyLiterature Review
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-16
DescriptionIn July 2004, ETA awarded demonstration grants to twelve Workforce Investment Boards to promote sustainable collaborations between faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs) and the workforce investment system. The grants were intended to: 1) increase access to the workforce investment system among underserved populations; 2) provide new or enhanced services to job seekers; and 3) build …
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-15
DescriptionThe purpose of this study was to improve state worker profiling models by: 1) establishing an approach for evaluating the accuracy of worker profiling models, 2) applying this approach to current state models to determine how effective they are at predicting Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit exhaustion, and 3) identifying best practices in operating and maintaining worker profiling models. All …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-14
DescriptionState-financed customized training programs are clear examples of employer-focused public training systems.   The programs have disparate origins, administrative arrangements, budgets, sources of funding, and program rules; however, each one views training from the perspective of an employer and sees training as an economic development enterprise.  The Employer as the Client: State-Financed …
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-13
DescriptionThe President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGTJI) is a major national effort to encourage the development of market-driven strategies to address critical workforce challenges as defined by business and industry. As part of the Urban Institute’s initial implementation study and evaluability assessment of this program, this report documents the lessons, experiences and sustainability of …
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-12
DescriptionThe purpose of this project is to examine Job Corps academic programs and to identify areas for improvement.   The evaluation sought to find promising strategies already in place at Job Corps Centers, and identify potentially effective strategies used in other youth literacy programs for replication efforts.   The main findings include: (1) Location and longevity proved critical to a Center’s …
ProgramJob Corps
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-11
DescriptionThe National Job Corps Study (NJCS) found that overall Job Corps had large impacts on key education and training outcomes, with Job Corps participants receiving significantly more hours of training than the control group, and more Job Corps students receiving GEDs and vocational certification.   Despite these positive overall findings, Job Corps did not increase the employment and earnings of …
ProgramJob Corps
Release Date:
Issue: 2007-10
DescriptionThis project is to examine longer-term earnings impacts and benefit-cost comparisons using the same Job Corps sample and earnings data from administrative records.   This report is the final in a series of project reports from the large-scale random assignment evaluation of Job Corps and presents findings based on administrative earnings records covering the ten years after random assignment and …
ProgramJob Corps