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Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-9
DescriptionThis report provides a timely review of the internal and external forces of change affecting the U.S. labor force within a global economy and the implications for the U.S. Unemployment Insurance (UI) System. Authored by Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution, the report explores observed industrial shifts, trends in the U.S. business cycle, changes in the composition of the U.S. labor force, …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-8
DescriptionArkansas and Iowa are among 22 states that historically were not major immigrant destinations, but whose foreign-born populations grew most quickly during the 1990s.   Like other states experiencing this growth, Arkansas and Iowa are only beginning to grow accustomed to the rapid flow of new immigrants and continue to work on how best to integrate these newcomers into the community and ensure …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-7
DescriptionVirtually all employees, with few exceptions, such as self-employed workers, are covered by the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program.   Despite this broad coverage, individuals do not always apply for UI benefits when they become unemployed.   During the past 30 years, four Current Population Survey (CPS) supplements (1976, 1989, 1993, and 2005) have been undertaken to learn more about how often …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-6
DescriptionIn July 2007, the Employment and Training Administration awarded grants to five organizations to assist ex-offenders transition back into their communities under the Beneficiary Choice Contracting Program.   The demonstration is based on the core premise that helping formerly incarcerated individuals find and maintain stable and legal employment will reduce recidivism and increase public safety. …
ProgramRe-integration of Ex-Offender, Re-integration of Ex-Offender
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-5
DescriptionThe impact study of the Youth Offender Demonstration Project (YODP) was intended to be an ambitious random assignment evaluation that would address questions about how to work most effectively with youth offenders to prevent recidivism and increase their employment and earnings.   To answer these questions, the study proposed to have courts randomly assign youth offenders at conviction to …
ProgramRe-integration of Ex-Offender
Research MethodologyRCT (Randomized Control Trial)
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-4
DescriptionIn 2004, the Department of Labor awarded a $10 million grant to the Latino Coalition to develop and deliver education and workforce development services to at-risk and adjudicated Latino youth.   The Latino Coalition developed a program titled Reclamando Nuestro Futuro (Reclaiming our Future), and, acting as an intermediary organization, awarded 28 grants over three years to faith and …
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-3
DescriptionIn November 2005, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) awarded grants to 30 Faith-Based and Community Organizations to implement a Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative (PRI) Demonstration.   The Initiative seeks to strengthen communities affected by large numbers of formerly incarcerated individuals through employment-centered projects that incorporate education, job training, housing …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-2
DescriptionRegistered apprenticeship, administered at the Federal level by the U.S. Department of Labor, is a time-tested worker training method characterized by on-the-job learning, incremental wage increases, classroom instruction, and achievement of a recognized credential.   Site visits were conducted in five states with 37 registered apprenticeship sponsors, 79 apprentices, 19 state apprenticeship …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-18
DescriptionIn early 2006, ETA announced that 13 regions were to receive $15 million grants to promote regional collaboration of a wide range of public and private organizations with the goal of transforming their regional approaches for addressing economic challenges.   The grantees, selected competitively and referred to as the Generation I WIRED regions, were facing challenges from global competition and …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-17
DescriptionThis report, based on site visits to 48 One-Stop Career Centers in 23 states conducted from mid-2004 to mid-2006, is part of a longer-term project to conduct a national, net-impact evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.   The report summarizes findings on the relationship between TAA and Rapid Response, both of which are designed to assist dislocated workers.   Under Rapid …
ProgramTrade Adjustment Assistance