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241 to 250 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-19
DescriptionOver a three year period from 2007 to 2009, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) provided funding to nine designated schools aimed at reducing violence by combining mentoring, educational, employment and other prevention strategies to change the school climate and improve academic performance. To learn from this effort, ETA contracted Social Policy Research Associates, Inc. to conduct …
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-18
DescriptionOver a three year period from 2007 to 2009, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) provided funding to nine schools designated as "persistently dangerous" under the Unsafe School Choice Option of the No Child Left Behind legislation. The grants aimed to reduce violence and improve academic performance by combining mentoring, educational, employment and other prevention strategies to …
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-17
DescriptionThis report presents interim findings from an implementation study of the Career Advancement Account (CAA) Demonstration Project, an effort to test a voucher-based, consumer-driven, self-guided approach to providing access to training for the U.S. workforce. In the fall of 2006, eight states were awarded grants to participate in the CAA Demonstration Project – Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, …
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-16
DescriptionThis report is the final report from an evaluation of the delivery of self-services in the One-Stop Career Center system. The evaluation profiles characteristics of customers who use self-services, motivations for using services, patterns of usage and outcomes that follow at selected One-Stop Career Centers nationwide. The report also examines ways that One-Stop Career Centers facilitate access …
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-14
DescriptionMigrant farmworkers are among the poorest members of the working class served by the U.S. public workforce investment system. Stated goals of job training and employment assistance programs within this system, such as the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP), include assisting migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their dependents increase "economic stability" by steadying agricultural …
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-13
DescriptionFarm operators and industry groups often advocate for change in immigration policy to address farm labor shortages. Such calls for intervention raise questions about the range of policies that relate to labor supply and affect farm workers in local markets. This paper describes a case study of policies related to farm worker supply and how these play out in labor markets in New York, drawing from …
PopulationFarm Workers
ProgramNational Farmworker Jobs Program
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-12
DescriptionThe Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) authorized the use of a voucher-like mechanism, called Individual Training Accounts (ITAs), by which the WIA participants can purchase training services. To ensure that customers have a selection of high-quality training providers whose training will lead to employment, states are required to provide ITA participants with a list of eligible training …
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-11
DescriptionThis research measures earnings progression among participants in federally funded Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs in the state of Washington during the period 2001-2008, compared to that among participants in less intensive workforce services. Unlike previous evaluations that have emphasized earnings levels, this study addresses earnings progression in order to assess whether workers …
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-10
DescriptionThis paper empirically examines factors affecting older workers' Entered Employment Rate using panel data models and identifies relevant policy implications. It starts with the background of an aging workforce and the current economic recession that makes training older workers critical. After reviewing literature on older workers' attributes and the uniqueness of older worker training, the paper …
ProgramSenior Community Service Employment (SCSEP)
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2011-09
DescriptionAs international trade continues to expand, more workers lose their jobs to low wage workers in developing countries. The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program is a dislocated worker program established to help their reemployment by providing occupational skills training and reemployment services. This paper measures the success of training provision as the match between the occupations of training …
ProgramTrade Adjustment Assistance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis