Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED): A Summary of Findings from the Evaluations of Generation I, II and III WIRED Grants

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Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED): A Summary of Findings from the Evaluations of Generation I, II and III WIRED Grants

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This report presents findings from the two evaluations of the Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) grants. Three rounds (or "generations") of WIRED grants were awarded to consortia of business, education, economic development and workforce system leaders in 39 multi-county regions within (and sometimes between) states in the U.S. The initial 13 grants (Generation I) were evaluated by Berkeley Policy Associates (with University of California, San Diego/Extension as a subcontractor), while the grants in Generations II and III were studied by Public Policy Associates, Incorporated (with the Upjohn Institute as a subcontractor). The evaluations explored similar topics and used similar data sources, including site visits, surveys, grantee-provided data and reports, extant economic and labor market data, and administrative data. This summary report, written jointly by the two teams of researchers, covers the outcomes and achievements of the WIRED projects in employment and training, capacity-building, business development, entrepreneurship, and relationship-building. The report provides key findings and insights on multiple topics, including regional identity, system alignment, use of data in planning, sectoral approaches, employer engagement, innovation, worker training, responses to the recession, leveraged funds, accountability, performance measures, governance, Workforce Investment Board roles, collaboration, and sustainability.