On the Use of Administrative Data for Workforce Development Program Evaluation

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On the Use of Administrative Data for Workforce Development Program Evaluation

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This report establishes that performance monitoring data may be used for program evaluation purposes, such as with process and net impact evaluation.  Evidence supporting this assertion is gathered from the administrative data of the State of Washington that examines services provided to adults under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).  The report describes various empirical estimation techniques and summarizes the net impact estimators generated.


The report offers guidance to policymakers and program administrators, who may be unfamiliar with the technical details of various analytical approaches, that although empirical results may appear complex or unstable, they can be used for program improvement.  The empirical results presented in the report pertain to WIA as administered in Washington State during the program year July 2000 to June 2001. However, the evaluation purposes and methods discussed in the report are relevant to a gamut of workforce development programs: Federal job training programs such as WIA; formal postsecondary educational programs such as community colleges or four-year colleges or universities; apprenticeships; adult basic education; formal or informal on-the-job training; or secondary career and technical education.