UI Research Exchange

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UI Research Exchange

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This issue of the UI Research Exchange includes two complete papers: the first paper presents an innovate application of new technology to an area of UI operations. The paper, written by Thomas Nagy, John DiSciullo and Robert Crosslin, describes the design and testing of an expert system prototype for making nonmonetary determination relating to labor dispute issues. This interactive system can be used by clerical personnel after minimal training. The authors explain how the application of an expert system to the nonmonetary determination process can reduce costs and improve services. The second paper, prepared by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy of the Department of Labor and reprinted here, presents findings of a special study of the demographic and economic characteristics of individuals in 12 states who received Federal Supplemental Compensation (FSC) during the September-December 1982 period. The study compares FSC recipients to individuals receiving regular unemployment benefits.