Training and Employment Report of the Secretary of Labor: Covering the Period July 1990 - September 1991

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Training and Employment Report of the Secretary of Labor: Covering the Period July 1990 - September 1991

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Editor's Note: The following synopsis is based on materials extracted directly from the document. Chapter 1 of this edition of the annual Training and Employment Report of the Secretary of Labor examines programs of the Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) during Program Year 1990 (July 1990 - June 1991) and Fiscal Year 1991 (October 1990 - September 1991). ETA is the Federal agency that oversees the Nation's major job training, employment, and unemployment compensation programs. Job-related activities of the Department during the period reflect a strategic approach to realizing long-term employment security for all American workers, which is dependent on workers' skills and their willingness to learn, change, and grow. Special activities included the work of the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) and the National Advisory Council on Work- Based Learning. The Department also did the staff work associated with the development of amendments to the Job Training and Partnership Act (JTPA). The main body of the chapter reports on developments in the individual programs for which ETA is responsible. These are: -- JTPA programs; -- Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration; -- Apprenticeship; -- Senior Community Service Employment Program; -- The Employment Service, Unemployment Insurance; -- Trade Adjustment Assistance; and -- Labor Surplus Area Program. It also summarizes the activities of two independent Federal committees responsible for job training and employment-related activities, the National Commission for Employment Policy (NCEP) and the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC). The second chapter summarizes the findings of the major research and evaluation projects sponsored by ETA and completed during the period July 1, 1990, and June 30, 1991. The project summaries are organized under three headings: (1) strengthening workforce quality, (2) labor market studies of specific groups, and (3) program development and improvement.