Summary of the National Job Corps Study

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Summary of the National Job Corps Study

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Since its inception in 1964, Job Corps has been a central part of our country's efforts to improve the economic self-sufficiency of disadvantaged youths. Participants are between 16 and 24 years old; most come to the program without a high school diploma. The program's goal is to help youths become more responsible, employable, and productive citizens.It currently serves over 60,000 new participants each year. Job Corps is distinguished from other programs by the intensive education, training, and support services it provides in a residential setting. This feature also makes Job Corps one of the most expensive education and training programs currently available to youths. As such, policymakers require information on its effectiveness. To meet this need, the U.S. Department of Labor sponsored the National Job Corps Study to examine implementation, measure the program's impacts on participants' employment and related outcomes, and assess whether the value of the program's benefits exceeds its costs.

Findings in Brief:

1. Job Corps centers deliver comprehensive and consistent services.

2. Job Corps makes a meaningful difference in participants' educational attainment and earnings.

3. The gains from Job Corps are found across most groups of students and types of settings.

4. Job Corps is cost-effective: the value of benefits from the program exceed its costs.