A Statistical Evaluation of the Impact of Disqualification Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws

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A Statistical Evaluation of the Impact of Disqualification Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws

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In this report, the impact on benefit claimants of the disqualification provisions of five states: Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, and New York, was examined. The authors used random samples of UI claimants who were never disqualified during a given spell of unemployment (the disqualified) to determine: (1) other demographic and economic characteristics, (2) the effects of disqualification on the duration of unemployment, and (3) the effects of disqualification on the postunemployment labor market experiences of the worker. The data for the analysis came from the computerized UI records of the individuals in the sample and from a mail questionnaire sent to each of them. A total of 14, 473 individuals were surveyed, of which 6,224 were useable observations. Several tests of hypothesis of no difference between the beneficiaries and the disqualified were performed. These tests were the basis for the findings about the demographic and economic characteristics of the respondents. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to test hypotheses about the effects of being disqualified. These analyses were the basis for the findings about the impacts of the disqualification on the duration of unemployment and the postunemployment labor market experiences.