State Financed and Customized Training Programs

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State Financed and Customized Training Programs

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This report was prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor¿s Employment and Training Administration and describes the States¿ customized, employer specific training--including current and historical data--for incumbent workers and new hires. As the States prepare to implement the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, state programs are of particular interest as the Act authorizes the expenditure of federal money for training incumbent workers. Although the ultimate aim of both federal and State programs is to improve the lives of State residents, State programs are employer-centered with employers free to decide whom to train, rather than worker-centered as is the case with federal programs. Consequently, State programs are aimed at individuals somewhat higher on the economic ladder than federal programs and for workers who are already in the workforce who need new skills to get a new job or need skills to retain their existing job.