Serving Dislocated Farmers: An Evaluation of the EDWAA Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration

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Serving Dislocated Farmers: An Evaluation of the EDWAA Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration

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This report concludes the evaluation of the Economic Dislocation and Workers Adjustment Assistance (EDWAA) Act Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration. The Farmers and Ranchers Demonstration was authorized by the U.S. Congress under Section 324 of EDWAA in 1988, and was initiated by the Department of Labor on July 1, 1990, with grants to four states. These grants provided for employment and training services to dislocated and at-risk farmers and ranchers, spouses and dependents, and farmhands. The purpose of the evaluation has been to assess the need for services to this population, assess the effectiveness of strategies developed by demonstration projects, and disseminate the findings to an audience of policy makers and practitioners.