Responses to Personal Reemployment Accounts (PRAs): Findings from the Demonstration States- Final Evaluation Report

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Responses to Personal Reemployment Accounts (PRAs): Findings from the Demonstration States- Final Evaluation Report

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Personal Reemployment Accounts (PRAs) are self-managed accounts of $3,000 that are offered to select recipients of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to support individual choice and control in reemployment services and to promote a quick return to work. PRAs can be used to purchase training, intensive career counseling services or support services, and/or can be received in two lump sum cash payments that reward rapid workforce reentry and job retention. This report presents findings from a U.S. Department of Labor evaluation of PRA implementation in eight states. The evaluation focused on several questions, including how demonstration sites planned and implemented PRAs, the rates of PRA acceptance among eligible job seekers, how recipients used PRA funds, and the UI receipt patterns and employment outcomes among PRA recipients. The report also explores the implications that the experience of the PRA model suggests for expanding self-managed accounts in the workforce investment system.