Process Evaluation of the Demand-Side Youth Offender Demonstration Project (Phase II)

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Process Evaluation of the Demand-Side Youth Offender Demonstration Project (Phase II)

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Business Interface, Inc. (BI) was awarded funding by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) in January 2003 to conduct the Demand-Side Youth Offender Demonstration Project (DYSOP).  Under this grant, BI served as an intermediary in connecting employers in four sites with young ex-offenders and youth at-risk of court involvement between the ages of 18-25.  The basic strategy of the DYSOP initiative was to establish intermediary organizations in the demonstration cities, known as Business Resource Centers (BRCs).  The primary purpose of the BRCs was to connect employers with youth.  The "demand-side" component of the model came from the demand by employers for persons who are qualified to fill positions they offer; thus, employers are the primary customers of these centers.  Three BRCs in Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C. were implemented in Phase I of the demonstration and a fourth Center in Los Angeles was added in Phase II. 


McNeil Education, Training and Research worked with ETA to conduct process evaluations of Phases I and II of the DSYOP.  The attached report chronicles these efforts.  The process evaluations sought to determine:  1) the efficacy of the business intermediary model implemented by the grantees in the above sites, and 2) the impact of the services delivered on the employment, earnings and retention of youth ex-offenders and youth at-risk of court or gang involvement.  The information presented is based on quarterly reports, unemployment insurance wage data and field-based site visits to the four sites.  An additional goal of the process evaluations was to determine lessons from the implementation and operation of the DSYOP Phases I and II which could be shared with other communities wishing to replicate the business intermediary approach to serve ex-offender and at-risk youth.