Practical Guidance for Strengthening Private Industry Councils

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Practical Guidance for Strengthening Private Industry Councils

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The Private Industry Council (PIC) is the cornerstone of the service delivery system under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). In partnership with the local elected official (LEO), the PIC is responsible for developing the local job training plan that describes planned services, procedures for identifying and recruiting participants, performance goals, budgets, and methods for selecting service providers. The goals of the study were to determine elements that make for an effective PIC. The findings from this study of 10 exemplary PIC's are reported in 3 separate volumes (bound together). Volume I describes each PIC in a case study format. Volume II is an analytic summary of the findings from the case studies. Volume III is a technical assistance guide that is targeted to PIC staff, PIC members, and others interested in improving PIC performance.