Older Workers and the Labor Market/Labor Market Policies for the Older Worker

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Older Workers and the Labor Market/Labor Market Policies for the Older Worker

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This report examines the retirement and related labor market literatures to describe the role of older workers in the labor market.  It then uses the available evidence to evaluate proposals for policy initiatives and recent arguments for expanding these programs.  This discussion is taking place against the backdrop of an expanding population of older Americans due to increasing life expectancy and the aging of the baby boom generation.  A number of arguments have been made for expanding the programs for seniors offered by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). 


Much of this report provides a foundation for policy analysis by discussing what we know about how the market works, and in particular, about the factors shaping outcomes, market trends, and likely sources of market failure.  A portion of this report examines potential culprits that may have fostered the kinds of market failures that would justify policy initiatives; but it also considers which policy initiatives might best address the market failures identified.