Nurturing America's Growth in the Global Marketplace

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Nurturing America's Growth in the Global Marketplace

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This is the first report from the evaluation of Generations II and III of the Workforce Innovations in Regional Economic Development Initiative.  The evaluation is being conducted by Public Policy Associates, Inc. in partnership with the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.  This interim report presents baseline information from all 26 regions.  It reflects the status of regional activities as of the summer of 2008, when many regions were in the initial stage of implementation.  Thus, the report focuses on the development of partnerships, governance arrangements, and the design of decision-making processes. 


In early 2006, ETA announced the initial recipients of grants to promote regional collaboration of a wide range of public and private organizations with the goal of transforming their regional approaches for addressing economic challenges.  The grants were intended to bring together diverse regional organizations in order to work towards economic stability and workforce growth.  Thirteen additional regions were competitively selected for grants in January 2007, followed by a final 13 in June 2007.  These grantees are collectively referred to as Generations II and III.