National Job Corps Study: The Value of the Output and Services Produced by Students While Enrolled in Job Corps

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National Job Corps Study: The Value of the Output and Services Produced by Students While Enrolled in Job Corps

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The Job Corps program serves economically disadvantaged youths between the ages of 16 and 24 who can benefit from a wide range of education, vocational training, and support services in a predominantly residential setting. The National Job Corps Study, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, was designed to provide a rigorous assessment of the effectiveness of the program.

As part of that study, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR) will conduct a benefit-cost analysis to assess whether the benefits of Job Corps justify the substantial investment of public resources in the program. Benefits of Job Corps include the increased employment and earnings, reduced criminal activity, and reduced use of other services and programs of youth who have participated in the program. In addition, the products or services students produce during their vocational training in Job Corps are benefits that should be included in the benefit-cost analysis.

This report presents estimates of the value of these products and services.