National Job Corps Study: Report on the Process Analysis

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National Job Corps Study: Report on the Process Analysis

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This report presents the findings of a process study of Job Corps operations. The study was conducted as part of the National Job Corps Study, whose purpose is to measure the effects of Job Corps participation on students' post-program earnings and related outcomes. In support of this broad goal, the process study describes and documents program services and operations. Data for the process study were collected during calendar year 1996 through a telephone survey of Job Corps outreach and admissions (OA) counselors, a mail survey of all Job Corps centers, and visits to 23 centers for interviews with staff, observations of activities, and focus group discussions with students and staff.

This report concludes from the process analysis that Job Corps uses a well-developed program model and that the program is well implemented. If the net impact study finds positive net impacts or net impact for some groups of students but not others, the process study information summarized here will help them to understand how this occurs. If the net impact study finds no positive impacts, the findings of the process study allow them to rule out failure in implementing the planned model as a reason. Job Corps students are receiving substantial, meaningful education and training services. Whether the program has positive impacts on students outcomes relative to all the other education and training opportunities available to the youth who apply remains an open question that the forthcoming impact study will answer.