Literature Review: Business/Faith-Based and Community Organization Partnerships

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Literature Review: Business/Faith-Based and Community Organization Partnerships

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In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the vital role that FBCOs can play in providing employment and training services to job seekers while helping businesses meet their objectives. Many forward thinking companies are recognizing that community partnerships can also contribute to profitability in that it helps them meet and exceed placement and retention goals.

The Literature Review looks at key issues and trends associated with business/FBCO partnerships, and provides an overview of the partnerships that FBCOs have formed with businesses, how those partnerships are evolving, and how they are benefiting both parties. The report’s findings include: (1) FBCOs have extensive community connections that allow them to reach and mobilize a sizable labor pool. (2) Partnering with FBCOs can contribute to increased employee retention because FBCOs provide a wide range of supportive services such as counseling, childcare assistance, emergency shelter, and other services. (3) For businesses, hiring staff can be costly, so partnering with FBCOs can streamline the recruitment process by pre-screening job applicants and providing relevant training in "soft" and "hard" skills. (4) Through FBCO partnerships, businesses can channel their recruitment efforts towards targeted populations, such as disadvantaged youth, low-income individuals, dislocated workers, veterans, and people with disabilities who could fill appropriate career tracks.

Also available on the Web site and drawing on the findings from the Literature Review, the Action Steps for Businesses guide is a practical, user-friendly guide for businesses that are interested in working with FBCOs. This step-by-step guide includes procedures for developing effective FBCO partnerships, and highlights the resources needed to develop, maintain, and sustain these partnerships.