Implementation of the Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) Grants: Developing American Job Centers in Jails

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Implementation of the Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) Grants: Developing American Job Centers in Jails

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In 2015 the Chief Evaluation Office funded the Evaluation of the Employment and Training Administration's Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) Grants. The 36-month evaluation examined the early-start up and implementation of 20 LEAP pilots, which created jail-based American Job Centers (AJCs) to support the successful reentry of participants and directly link them to community-based AJCs upon release. Through site visits, phone interviews, focus groups, and the grantees' quarterly performance reports, the evaluation examined the LEAP pilots' approaches to providing services before and after incarceration at all 20 sites. The evaluation also produced:

  • A series of 5 early-planning issue briefs that explore lessons from the planning phase (first 9 months) of the LEAP grants.
  • A series of 5 implementation issue briefs that explore lessons from the operation (last 15 months) of the grants.
  • A compendium that presents a summary of findings from both the planning and implementation phases of the LEAP pilots, and includes the 10 issue briefs, organized around key themes.