Implementation and Early Training Outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative: Final Report

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Implementation and Early Training Outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative: Final Report

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The High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGJTI) was a national grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (ETA). Between 2001 and 2007, more than 160 grants were awarded to establish industry-focused job training and related projects, designed to meet industry’s workforce challenges. This report is the third in a series from the national evaluation of the HGJTI conducted by the Urban Institute, the Institute for Policy Studies at Johns Hopkins University, and Capital Research Corporation. This report documents the national initiative, describes the structure and implementation of projects by selected grantees, and provides nonexperimental analysis of the early impacts of job training on individuals for selected HGJTI-funded programs. The information presented is based on a review of grantee applications and quarterly reports submitted to ETA; site visits to nine grantees, purposively selected to represent a variety of organizations, industry sectors, and geographic regions; data collected from grantee training programs; quarterly earnings data from state unemployment insurance wage records; and administrative data from state and local Workforce Investment Act systems. The study was conducted between January 2006 and June 2010.