A Guide to Well-Developed Services for Dislocated Workers

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A Guide to Well-Developed Services for Dislocated Workers

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This guide is intended for EDWAA practitioners--including state and substate area policymakers, program planners, and providers serving dislocated workers--as a vehicle for sharing information about effective strategies to serve dislocated workers under a variety of local conditions. This guide has been prepared for U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) as part of the Study of the Implementation of the Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA), conducted by Social Policy Research Associates (SPR), Berkeley Planning Associates (BPA), and SRI International. The goals of this study are to provide DOL with information about how states and substate areas have implemented key features of the EDWAA legislation and to assist DOL in guiding the development of programs for dislocated workers. As part of this study, field researchers traveled to 70 substate areas and 10 special projects in 24 different states to observe the design, organization, and provision of services to dislocated workers from Program Year 1989 through Program Year 1992 (July 1989 - June 1992).