Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation

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Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation

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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided funding for skills training in green jobs and healthcare jobs via four Solicitations for Grant Applications (SGA): Healthcare and Other High Growth and Emerging Industries; Pathways Out of Poverty; State Energy Sector Partnerships and Training; and Energy Training Partnerships. In early 2010, 152 grantees were awarded an average of $4 million to $5 million for two- or three-year grants. This interim report is a descriptive analysis of eight of these 152 sites that implemented these grants. This report presents an overview of the grants program with overall statistics for the four SGAs. It provides a summary of the major themes emerging from the site visits and focus groups conducted to date in eight sites. Preliminary conclusions resulting from the findings to date are also provided along with documentation of promising practices. Detailed summaries of the findings obtained from each of the eight site visits are presented in the Appendix.