An Examination of the Delivery of Literacy Services at Job Corps Centers

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An Examination of the Delivery of Literacy Services at Job Corps Centers

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The purpose of this project is to examine Job Corps academic programs and to identify areas for improvement.  The evaluation sought to find promising strategies already in place at Job Corps Centers, and identify potentially effective strategies used in other youth literacy programs for replication efforts.  The main findings include: (1) Location and longevity proved critical to a Center’s success in developing relationships with the community and access to resources.  (2)  Educational relationships within the community appeared critical, as Centers sought to take advantage of the resources available and leverage partnerships as much as possible.  (3) Centers would benefit from additional resources such as education instructors, speech therapists, psychologists, and counselors, so that specialized staff can devote more time to students in need of these extra resources.  (4) Centers should offer additional professional development support and foster the sharing of resources, a strategy which proved to be useful across centers in sharing best practices and exchanging ideas.