Evaluation of the YouthBuild Youth Offender Grants

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Evaluation of the YouthBuild Youth Offender Grants

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This report summarizes findings from an implementation and outcomes evaluation of the YouthBuild Youth Offender grants.  The grants were awarded to 34 YouthBuild sites, chosen by YouthBuild USA, to provide services for adjudicated youth with the goal of enhancing their educational and employment opportunities and reducing their recidivism rates.  The evaluation consisted of two rounds of site visits in 2007 to each of the 34 grantees to examine their program design and implementation, the characteristics of the participants they served, and the outcomes they obtained.  These visits included interviews with program administrators, staff, academic and vocational instructors, partners, and employers.  Further, approximately 75 percent of all active participants were interviewed to provide the youth perspective on the operation and value of the programs.  Additionally, data collected by grantees in a standardized management information system was used to summarize the characteristics of youth offender participants and analyze the factors associated with their outcomes.