Evaluation of the School-to-Work Out-of-School Youth Demonstration and Job Corps Model Centers -- Final Report for the Out-of-School Youth Demonstration

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Evaluation of the School-to-Work Out-of-School Youth Demonstration and Job Corps Model Centers -- Final Report for the Out-of-School Youth Demonstration

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This report was prepared to conduct an Evaluation of the School-to-Work Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Demonstration and Job Corps Model Centers. The demonstration programs and Model Centers are alike in attempting to incorporate and adapt school-to-work principles in their services to out-of-school youth. This summary reflects the findings reported in the Final Report for the component of the study focused on the OSY Demonstration; as such, it presents a discussion of the design and implementation of the demonstration projects, including their objectives and strategies. A companion report addresses similar issues with respect to the Job Corps Model Centers.