Evaluation of the Charleston Claimant Placement and Worktest Demonstration 1984

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Evaluation of the Charleston Claimant Placement and Worktest Demonstration 1984

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The objectives of this project were to improve joint Employment Service/Unemployment Insurance (ES?UI) procedures for monitoring the work test and enhancing placement services for UI claimants in order to reduce weeks claimed and benefits paid. The demonstration consisted of dividing all claimants in the Charleston, South Carolina area into three demonstration groups and one control group on a randomly assigned basis during the period February through December, 1983. Over 5,000 claimants participated in the experiment. Results showed a statistically significant average reduction of about 0.5 weeks claimed and net savings in UI payments of $56 per claimant for Treatment Group 1, and a $46-48 per claimant reduction for the other two treatment groups after deducing estimated administrative costs. Much higher average reductions were obtained for males and especially for those from the construction industry. (Reductions of about 2 weeks in benefits claimed were obtained for construction industry claimants.)