Evaluation of the Career Advancement Accounts Demonstration Project: An Implementation Study

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Evaluation of the Career Advancement Accounts Demonstration Project: An Implementation Study

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This report presents interim findings from an implementation study of the Career Advancement Account (CAA) Demonstration Project, an effort to test a voucher-based, consumer-driven, self-guided approach to providing access to training for the U.S. workforce. In the fall of 2006, eight states were awarded grants to participate in the CAA Demonstration Project – Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming each received funding in the amount of $1.5 million to provide CAAs to eligible individuals in the amount of $3,000 per year for up to two years. This interim report provides an overview of the demonstration project from spring 2007 until December 2008 and describes how the states organized and implemented CAAs; what services were provided to assist individuals in making an informed choice about CAAs; the training choices made by CAA recipients; the leveraging of other resources collected to match Federal funds; and the overall level of account and expenditure activity. Perceptions of key CAA stakeholder groups and a preliminary assessment of the early implementation of the project are also offered.