Early Implementation Report: Mentoring, Educational, and Employment Strategies (MEES) to Improve Academic, Social and Career Pathway Outcomes in Persistently Dangerous Schools – Generation I

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Early Implementation Report: Mentoring, Educational, and Employment Strategies (MEES) to Improve Academic, Social and Career Pathway Outcomes in Persistently Dangerous Schools – Generation I

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Over a three year period from 2007 to 2009, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) provided funding to nine designated schools aimed at reducing violence by combining mentoring, educational, employment and other prevention strategies to change the school climate and improve academic performance. To learn from this effort, ETA contracted Social Policy Research Associates, Inc. to conduct an implementation evaluation using interviews, site visits and quantitative data. This report focuses on the efforts of nine schools that were designated as "persistently dangerous" under the Unsafe School Choice Option of the No Child Left Behind legislation. The report presents findings from the grant projects during the 2009-2010 school year. The report summarizes key first year accomplishments; notes common challenges that slowed the pace of implementation; and highlights the implications of the core findings.