Dynamic Models of Unemployment Insurance Benefit Receipt: Survival Rate Analysis Report

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Dynamic Models of Unemployment Insurance Benefit Receipt: Survival Rate Analysis Report

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To better understand the effects of alternative policy decisions on UI benefit payments, the U.S. Department of Labor contracted with Battele Memorial Institute to conduct the Unemployment Insurance Survival Rate Analysis and Benefit Models Project. The primary goals of this project were to first conduct a comprehensive examination of the dynamic nature of the UI benefit payment process and, using these findings, develop an integrated projection model of UI benefit payments for use by policy makers. This report presents the results from the first phase of this project. Specifically, this report examines s the decisions of UI claimants to collect benefits during their eligibility period. This information about the dynamic patterns of UI benefit payments will be helpful in determining the optimal levels of the weekly benefit amount and the potential duration of benefits, which are the two key elements of UI programs. In addition, this type of information is helpful in the formulation of policies that extend the length of time UI claimants can receive benefits during recessionary times, such as the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program.