Characteristics of the Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG) Program

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Characteristics of the Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG) Program

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This is the first report from the evaluation of the Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG) that is being conducted by the Urban Institute with subcontractors Capitol Research Corporation and Johns Hopkins University.  The evaluation began in July 2008 with the purpose of documenting the different models and projects that are operating with grant funds, examining and assessing the implementation of grant-funded projects, and identifying innovative features and potential promising strategies.  The CBJTG focuses on building the capacity of community colleges to provide training to workers for high growth, high demand industries.  This report is based on a review of documents (solicitations for grant applications, statements of work, and grantees’ quarterly reports) available through the end of 2008.  The information provides a comprehensive description of the grantees and their grant-related activities.