Beyond a Summer Work Experience: The Recovery Act 2009 Post-Summer Youth Employment Initiative

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Beyond a Summer Work Experience: The Recovery Act 2009 Post-Summer Youth Employment Initiative

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Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), states received $1.2 billion in funding for Workforce Investment Act Youth Program activities to provide employment and training activities targeted to disadvantaged youth. In addition to supporting large-scale youth employment activities in the summers of 2009 and 2010, the Recovery Act also gave states the option to continue to fund work experience opportunities for out-of-school youth ages 18 to 24 for an additional six months, spanning a "post-summer" time frame of October 1, 2009, to March 31, 2010.

This study examines how some local areas used their Recovery Act funds to serve youth beyond the 2009 summer months. Using qualitative data collected through visits to eight local sites in seven states, this report describes key features of the sites' post-summer youth employment initiative, and lessons that may help inform future efforts to provide work experience and other activities to older, out-of-school youth.

Other reports related to Recovery Act summer and post-summer youth employment initiatives:

ETAOP 2012-02: Using TANF Funds to Support Subsidized Youth Employment: The 2010 Summer Youth Employment Initiative

ETAOP 2012-04: Innovative Programs and Promising Practices: Indian and Native American Summer Youth Employment Initiatives and the 2009 Recovery Act